Cheapest Insurance Quotes for a Toyota Corolla in Alaska

Cheapest Insurance Quotes for a Toyota Corolla in Alaska

When the topic is car insurance, the word “cheap” should not be used anywhere in the article as a descriptor for car insurance rates. Be that as it may, cheap car insurance for a Toyota Corolla is not always easy to find. We’ll try to make it up to you, because we will teach you how you can find insurance that most people can afford.

The likelihood of finding the cheapest auto insurance for a Toyota Corolla in Alaska is dependent upon a whole bunch of rating criteria like if you are married or single, if you have ever had a coverage lapse, and any driving offenses on your record. Drivers will pay around $1,020 every 12 months to buy insurance for a Toyota Corolla, but that price is an estimation using rate data for a 40-year-old single female that wants full coverage and $100 policy deductibles.

When projecting a rate like this, the problem is that you may not be 40 years old (or even female), possibly married instead of single, or maybe you have a speeding ticket or two that will increase rates. Not every driver requires the same auto insurance coverages, so the best way to quote cheap car insurance rates for your Toyota is to comparison shop your policy at every renewal or at least every couple of years. In just a few minutes you will be able to compare rates from the best companies that insure vehicles in Alaska.

Insure Your Toyota for Less

The trim level of your Toyota can impact the annual cost of coverage, so the rate you pay to insure a Corolla LE trim level will cost $30 less than the insurance cost for the more well-appointed Corolla XRS model, as shown in the chart below.

Toyota Corolla Insurance Rates in Alaska
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Corolla LE $224 $562 $354 $20 $106 $1,266 $106
Corolla S $224 $562 $354 $20 $106 $1,266 $106
Corolla XLE $224 $562 $354 $20 $106 $1,266 $106
Corolla XRS $254 $562 $354 $20 $106 $1,296 $108
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Premium data assumes single female driver age 40, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $100 deductibles, and Alaska minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include homeowner, safe-driver, claim-free, multi-vehicle, and multi-policy. Estimates do not factor in vehicle garaging location which can impact insurance rates substantially.

Finding budget auto insurance is not easy, and determining which company quotes the lowest-priced insurance rates for a Toyota Corolla will involve additional perseverance. Every auto insurer uses their own method for determining rates, so let’s rank the insurance companies that tend to be cheaper in Alaska.

Find Cheaper Auto Insurance for Your Corolla

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Who has the cheapest car insurance in Alaska?
Rank Company Cost Per Year
1 Umialik $901
2 USAA $939
3 State Farm $975
4 Progressive $1,223
5 GEICO $1,943
6 Allstate $2,327
7 Safeco $2,526
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Umialik may offer some of the most affordable car insurance rates in Alaska at around $901 annually. USAA, State Farm, Progressive, and GEICO would also be considered some of the most economical Alaska insurance companies.

As depicted above, if you currently have coverage with GEICO and switched to USAA, you may realize an annual savings of in the neighborhood of $1,004. Customers with Allstate may save as much as $1,388 a year, and Safeco customers might realize rate reductions of up to $1,587 a year.

These premium estimates are averages across all drivers and vehicles in Alaska and do not factor in a specific rating modification for a Toyota Corolla. So the insurer that fits your situation best may not even be shown in the list of companies shown earlier. That is why you need to quote rates from as many companies as possible using your own driver information and specific vehicle type.

Difference between liability only and full coverage rates

Finding the cheapest insurance for a Toyota Corolla in Alaska is important to most vehicle owners, and one of the easiest ways to buy cheaper insurance is to not buy comprehensive and collision coverage. The information below compares insurance rates with and without physical damage coverage, medical payments, and uninsured/under-insured motorist coverage. The costs are based on no accidents, no driving violations, $100 deductibles, drivers are single, and no discounts are applied to the premium.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawFclqcibChart);function drawFclqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘Full Coverage with $100 Deductibles’, ‘Liability Only’],[‘Age 20’, 3453,971],[‘Age 30’, 1753,535],[‘Age 40’, 1759,497],[‘Age 50’, 1595,465],[‘Age 60’, 1543,457],[‘Age 70’, 1871,611]]);var options = {title: ‘Full Versus Liability Only Rates’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 500,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’},colors: [‘#6791b9′,’#98bee2’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Insurance Cost for a Toyota Corolla in Alaska’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibfcl’));chart.draw(data, options);}

If we average the cost for ages 20 through 70, comp and collision coverage costs an extra $1,996 per year over and above liability coverage. That proposes the question if full coverage is worth the money. There is no set guideline that is best for determining when to drop comp and collision coverage, but there is a guideline you can consider. If the yearly cost of comp and collision coverage is about 10% or more of the vehicle’s replacement cost less your deductible, the it may be a good time to stop paying for full coverage.

For example, let’s pretend your vehicle’s replacement value is $11,000 and you have $1,000 physical damage deductibles. If your vehicle is destroyed, the most you would get paid by your company is $10,000 after paying your policy deductible. If premiums are more than $1,000 a year for physical damage coverage, then it might be time to consider dropping full coverage.

There are a few cases where only buying liability is not a good idea. If you still owe a portion of the original loan, you have to keep full coverage to satisfy the loan requirements. Also, if your finances do not allow you to purchase a different vehicle if your current one is in an accident, you should not consider dropping full coverage.

Who is cheaper: State Farm, Geico, Progressive, or Allstate?

If you want the best insurance for a Corolla in Alaska, four companies to definitely compare rates with are State Farm, Geico, Progressive, and Allstate. Between them, they make up over 45% of all vehicles in the U.S.. The table below rates pricing and service ratings, as well as optional policy coverages offered by each company.

Comparison of Top U.S. Car Insurance Companies
State Farm Geico Progressive Allstate
Price Ranking 2nd 1st 3rd 4th
Claims Rank 2nd 3rd 4th 1st
Policy Discounts 3rd 2nd 4th 1st
Client Satisfaction 4th 1st 3rd 2nd
Percent of U.S. market 18.3% 11.4% 8.8% 10%
Mechanical breakdown insurance No Yes Yes No
Usage-based rating Yes No Yes Yes
New car replacement insurance No No No Yes
Accident forgiveness coverage No Yes Yes Yes
Rideshare coverage Yes Yes Yes Yes
Roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes
Coverage in Alaska Yes Yes Yes Yes
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Ideas to find more affordable car insurance for a Toyota Corolla

Here are some penny-pinching suggestions that can help you get cheap car insurance.

  • Buy vehicles with good safety ratings
  • Save money by observing traffic laws and speed limits
  • Pay less by remaining claim-free
  • Bundle car and home insurance and save money
  • Accident-free drivers may qualify for discounts
  • Older vehicles may not need full coverage
  • Shop around for cheaper prices often

That last tip is highly critical, as was emphasized in the article above. Prices charged by auto insurers vary greatly, so don’t be tentative to change insurance companies if a more affordable rate is found.

Brand loyalty is great, but is isn’t recommended if that devotedness results in you overpaying big bucks every year. If you have a few minutes, shop around to find cheaper insurance for a Toyota Corolla.