Who Has Cheap Car Insurance for Drivers with Accidents in Oregon?

Who Has Cheap Car Insurance for Drivers with Accidents in Oregon?

Trying to buy low-priced auto insurance is not easy, and determining which company offers the lowest-priced insurance rates for drivers with accidents involves additional perseverance. Insurance prices could be moderately higher than the average price in Oregon, with the increase attributed to the added risk that comes with selling insurance for drivers with at-fault accidents, but competitive coverage should be available if you find the right company. Each insurer uses their own formula to establish rates, so we need to take a look at the insurance companies that tend to be cheaper in Oregon.

It’s important to understand that Oregon insurance rates are determined by lots of factors that can increase the policy price. Simply turning a year older, increasing liability limits, or getting into an accident can cause premium changes that can cause some rates to be more expensive than others.

Best Cheap Insurance Rates for Accident Prone Drivers

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google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawORT5qcibChart);function drawORT5qcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Company’, ‘Rate’, { role: ‘style’ }], [‘Grange’, 694, ‘#F07050’], [‘Oregon Mutual’, 844, ‘#C85D42’], [‘Country’, 856, ‘#A64D37’], [‘Travelers’, 952, ‘#8A402D’], [‘USAA’, 970, ‘#733525’]]);var options = {title: ‘Most Affordable Auto Insurance Companies in Oregon’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’, fontSize: 17, bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 300,’chartArea’: {left:0,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},bar: {groupWidth: “90%”},legend: {position: ‘none’},vAxis: {viewWindowMode:’explicit’,viewWindow:{max:1070,min:0}}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);view.setColumns([0, 1,{ calc: “stringify”,sourceColumn: 1,type: “string”,role: “annotation” },2]);formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibt5cic’));chart.draw(view, options);}

Grange normally has some of the most affordable car insurance rates in Oregon at around $694 each year. Oregon Mutual, Country, Travelers, and USAA also rank well as some of the best Oregon car insurance companies.

As shown in the table above, if you are insured with Country and switched to Grange, you could earn savings of roughly $162. Policyholders with Travelers might save as much as $258 a year, and USAA insureds might lower prices by $276 a year.

To get a quick, customized rate comparison, click here to begin a quote or visit any of the companies below.

These premium estimates are averages across all insureds and vehicles and do not factor in a rate increase for drivers with accidents. So the auto insurance company that has the cheapest price for you may not even be shown in the rate chart shown above. That point stresses why you need to compare prices as often as possible using your own specific driver and vehicle information.

For drivers with at-fault accidents, one of the big factors that is used to calculate rate quotes is where you normally keep your vehicle in Oregon. Areas with a lot of weather claims or more people like Gresham, Oregon City, and Hillsboro likely pay more, whereas less populated areas generally pay lower auto insurance rates.

The next table rates the most expensive cities in Oregon for drivers with accidents to purchase auto insurance in.

Most expensive Oregon cities for auto insurance
Rank City Annual Rate
1 Gresham $1,622
2 Portland $1,499
3 Oregon City $1,430
4 Lake Oswego $1,406
5 Hillsboro $1,393
6 Tigard $1,362
7 Salem $1,360
8 Woodburn $1,359
9 Beaverton $1,356
10 Tualatin $1,352
11 Keizer $1,351
12 Aloha $1,349
13 West Linn $1,348
14 Forest Grove $1,347
15 McMinnville $1,338
16 Newberg $1,323
17 Redmond $1,247
18 Bend $1,224
19 Grants Pass $1,180
20 Springfield $1,170
21 Medford $1,169
22 Albany $1,153
23 Roseburg $1,150
24 Corvallis $1,143
25 Eugene $1,123
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Information shown are approximated as specific Oregon garaging address can lower or raise premiums greatly.

Insuring your vehicle with a good quality insurance provider is difficult considering how many different companies insure vehicles in Oregon. The company information shown next could help you decide which insurers to look at when comparing insurance rates for drivers with accidents.

These ratings are for companies that insure vehicles nationwide, so companies that only write business in Oregon or surrounding areas are not factored into these rankings. If you wish to compare prices from the insurers below and more, follow this link.

Top 10 Large Auto Insurance Providers in Oregon Ranked by A.M. Best Rating

  1. USAA – A++
  2. Travelers – A++
  3. GEICO – A++
  4. State Farm – A++
  5. The Hartford – A+
  6. Esurance – A+
  7. Nationwide – A+
  8. Allstate – A+
  9. Progressive – A+
  10. The General – A-

Top 10 Large Auto Insurance Providers in Oregon Ranked by Claims Service

  1. State Farm
  2. Esurance
  3. AAA Insurance
  4. Progressive
  5. GEICO
  6. Liberty Mutual
  7. Allstate
  8. The Hartford
  9. The General
  10. 21st Century

The chart below highlights how deductible choice can affect yearly insurance costs when trying to find cheap insurance for drivers with accidents. The data assumes a single female driver, comp and collision included, and no additional discounts are factored in.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawDfdqcibChart);function drawDfdqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘$100 Deductible’,’$250 Deductible’,’$500 Deductible’,’$1,000 Deductible’],[‘Age 20’, 3489,3201,2885,2587],[‘Age 30’, 2415,2207,1969,1741],[‘Age 40’, 2237,2047,1833,1627],[‘Age 50’, 1959,1793,1605,1425],[‘Age 60’, 1893,1733,1551,1377],[‘Age 70’, 2207,2023,1823,1635]]);var options = {title: ‘Deductible Levels and Insurance Cost in Oregon’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 700,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’,’height’: ‘80%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’,textStyle: {fontSize: 12}},bar: {groupWidth: ‘80%’},colors: [‘#6791b9′,’#75a8d8′,’#98bee2′,’#bad4ec’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Auto Insurance Cost for Average Vehicle’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);formatter.format(data,3);formatter.format(data,4);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibdfd’));chart.draw(data, options);}

In the chart above, a 40-year-old driver could pocket $354 a year by switching the physical damage coverage from a $100 deductible up to a $500 deductible, or save $534 by selecting a $1,000 deductible. Younger drivers, like the age 20 example, can cut $902 or even more by selecting a higher deductible.

When raising deductibles, it’s a good idea to have plenty of discretionary funds to enable you to cover the extra out-of-pocket expense that is associated with using high deductibles.

Allstate, State Farm, Geico, and Progressive: Who is best?

When buying car insurance for drivers with at-fault accidents in Oregon, the first places to look would be Allstate, State Farm, Geico, and Progressive. All offer liability and physical damage insurance, but each one has a distinct set of features and optional coverages that shoppers can choose from. The following table compares and contrasts ratings for price and service, as well as some optional coverages that are available for buyers.

Largest Car Insurance Companies Compared
Allstate State Farm Geico Progressive
Handling of Claims 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Overall Satisfaction 2nd 4th 1st 3rd
Price Ranking 4th 2nd 1st 3rd
Discounts Available 1st 3rd 2nd 4th
U.S. market share 10% 18.3% 11.4% 8.8%
Percent of customers who recommend 86% 88% 87% 88%
Rating from A.M. Best A+ A++ A++ A+
Emergency roadside service Yes Yes Yes Yes
Usage-based rating Yes Yes No Yes
New car replacement insurance Yes No No No
Rideshare insurance Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mechanical breakdown insurance No No Yes Yes
Accident forgiveness Yes No Yes Yes
Insure in Oregon Yes Yes Yes Yes
Types of agents used Only buy from Allstate agents State Farm exclusive agents Both online and from Geico agents Buy online or from an independent agent
Number of agents 11,000+ 18,000+ 150+ 30,000+
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