Who Has Cheap Insurance for a Jeep Grand Cherokee in Maryland?

Who Has Cheap Insurance for a Jeep Grand Cherokee in Maryland?

Your ability to find affordable auto insurance for a Jeep Grand Cherokee in Maryland is contingent on a whole bunch of rating criteria such as whether you are married or single, your geographic location, and your policy deductibles. Drivers pay approximately $1,110 each year for Grand Cherokee insurance, but that cost is a valuation based on a 30-year-old single male driver with full physical damage coverage and $1,000 physical damage deductibles.

More likely than not, you are not 30 years old and maybe not even male, married instead of single, and maybe your Grand Cherokee just needs liability-only coverage. Insurance prices are based on the driver profile the best method for finding the most affordable coverage for your Jeep is to make a habit of regularly comparing rates from other companies.

View Jeep Grand Cherokee Insurance Rates

Vehicle trim level will be a contributing factor to the cost of coverage, so the rate you pay to insure a Grand Cherokee Laredo 2WD model will be $90 cheaper than the insurance cost for the higher-end Grand Cherokee SRT-8 4WD model, as demonstrated by the prices below.

Jeep Grand Cherokee Insurance Rates in Maryland
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Grand Cherokee Laredo 2WD $220 $332 $532 $32 $160 $1,276 $106
Grand Cherokee Laredo 4WD $220 $332 $532 $32 $160 $1,276 $106
Grand Cherokee Limited 2WD $250 $392 $532 $32 $160 $1,366 $114
Grand Cherokee Limited 4WD $250 $392 $532 $32 $160 $1,366 $114
Grand Cherokee SRT-8 4WD $250 $392 $532 $32 $160 $1,366 $114
Get Your Own Custom Quote Go

Data based on single male driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $1000 deductibles, and Maryland minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-vehicle, safe-driver, homeowner, multi-policy, and claim-free. Rate quotes do not factor in the specific area where the vehicle is garaged which can influence rates greatly.

Choosing the right company can be a challenge considering how many different companies there are to choose from in Maryland. The ranking information in the lists below could help you pick which auto insurers you want to consider shopping your coverage with. These rankings are only made up of companies that write coverage in many states, so smaller companies that only insure vehicles in Maryland are not factored into these rankings.

Top 10 Major Auto Insurance Providers in Maryland Ranked by Customer Service

  1. USAA
  2. Travelers
  3. AAA Insurance
  4. Nationwide
  5. Safeco Insurance
  6. Progressive
  7. State Farm
  8. The Hartford
  9. The General
  10. Esurance

Top 10 Major Auto Insurance Providers in Maryland Ranked by A.M. Best Rating

  1. Travelers – A++
  2. USAA – A++
  3. GEICO – A++
  4. State Farm – A++
  5. Titan Insurance – A+
  6. Esurance – A+
  7. Progressive – A+
  8. Nationwide – A+
  9. The Hartford – A+
  10. Allstate – A+

Top Companies for Jeep Grand Cherokee Insurance in Maryland

Cautious Maryland drivers save money

The easiest way to score good insurance premiums in Maryland for a Grand Cherokee is to be a cautious driver and avoid traffic citations and accidents. The illustration below demonstrates how speeding tickets and accident claims can affect insurance prices for different categories of driver ages. The price estimates are based on a married female driver, comp and collision included, $250 deductibles, and no discounts are factored in.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawVioqcibChart);function drawVioqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘No Violations or Accidents’, ‘Two Speeding Tickets and No Accidents’, ‘Two Speeding Tickets and Two Accidents’],[‘Age 20’, 2779,3601,6631],[‘Age 30’, 1941,2761,5793],[‘Age 40’, 1917,2743,5769],[‘Age 50’, 1687,2511,5535],[‘Age 60’, 1605,2427,5455],[‘Age 70’, 1727,2549,5575]]);var options = {title: ‘Effect of Citations and Accidents on Maryland Jeep Grand Cherokee Insurance’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’, fontSize: 17, bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 600,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’,textStyle: {fontSize: 12}},colors:[‘#b2da64′,’#eed355′,’#e39e71’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Insurance Cost for a Jeep Grand Cherokee in Maryland’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);formatter.format(data,3);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibvio’));chart.draw(data, options);}

The data in the chart shows the average cost of car insurance in Maryland per year with no accidents and a clean driving record is $1,943. Factor in two speeding tickets and the average cost increases to $2,765, an increase of $823 each year. Now add in two accidents along with the two speeding tickets and the 12-month cost of insurance for a Jeep Grand Cherokee increases to an average of $5,793. That’s an increase of $3,850, or $321 per month, just for not keeping your driving record clean!

How to find cheaper insurance for a Jeep Grand Cherokee

Below you’ll find a few money-saving solutions that can help Maryland drivers quote cheap auto insurance.

  • Better credit rating means better rates
  • Buy a car with high safety ratings
  • Full coverage may not be needed on older vehicles
  • Do not get traffic violations
  • Raise physical damage deductibles
  • Staying accident-free helps keep rates low
  • Compare rates and switch if you can find a better deal

The last tip is incredibly important, as was noted in this article. Prices charged by companies adjust frequently, so don’t be unwilling to buy a different policy if a more affordable rate is found. Staying with the same company for years is fine, but it’s not a good idea if that dedication is costing thousands of dollars over the life of your policy. In just a couple of minutes you could shop around to find cheaper insurance for a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Who has the cheapest Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance quotes?

There are many ways to find cheap insurance in Maryland, but the three most common ways are from an independent insurance agent, an exclusive insurance agency like Allstate or Liberty Mutual, or direct online or over the phone from a company like Geico or Progressive.

They all follow the same basic process, but each is slightly different in how they function.

Independent insurance agencies work for many companies and can compare rates with every one. Independent agents are usually affiliated with several companies and can provide you with more rates, which may give you improved odds of finding cheaper coverage. If premiums increase, it’s easy for the agent to move the policy and you do not have to find a new agent.

Exclusive agents are only able to quote your policy with a single company like Farmers Insurance or State Farm agents. They generally cannot provide prices from multiple companies, so you will not be able to compare their rates to other companies.

Insurance from a direct company means you skip an exlusive or independent agent and instead buy direct either online or via phone. Buying direct is good for consumers who do not need high levels of coverage and have a decent understanding of what coverages they need.

So which of those three methods works best for finding cheap insurance for a Jeep Grand Cherokee in Maryland? Most drivers assume that buying direct saves the most money because you bypass the middleman, but in reality, that is not the case. We’d also like to say going through an independent agent is the best way to go since they can quote with many companies, but that is not necessarily true either. In many circumstances, exclusive agents may have prices that are the cheapest in Maryland.

Because of the variability of insurance rates, really the only way to buy the cheapest policy is to compare, compare, and compare some more. Money-saving experts recommend you get quotes from all three to give yourself the best selection. For a list of companies with some of the cheapest Maryland insurance rates, click here to view.