Who Has the Cheapest Insurance for a Ford Fusion in Arkansas?

Who Has the Cheapest Insurance for a Ford Fusion in Arkansas?

Your odds of finding cheap auto insurance for a Ford Fusion in Arkansas depends upon a lot of things such as how you use your vehicle, whether or not you have prior claims, and driving violations. Arkansas drivers pay on average $890 every 12 months to buy Ford Fusion insurance, but that is a valuation rating a 50-year-old married male driver with full coverage including both comprehensive and collision and $500 deductibles.

There is a really good chance that you may not be 50 years old (or even male), maybe you are single instead of married, and there is a good chance that there are other drivers on your policy. The different assumptions illustrate why the most reliable method for finding affordable rates for your Ford is to make a habit of comparing prices at least once a year. Quotes only take a few minutes and you will get price quotes from some of the best companies that offer coverage in Arkansas.

Find Cheaper Ford Fusion Insurance

The specific model of Fusion tends to have a direct effect on price, so the rate you pay to insure a Fusion S 4-Dr Sedan trim level will be $150 less than the price to insure the more well-appointed Fusion Sport AWD 4-Dr Sedan trim level, as demonstrated by the prices below.

Ford Fusion Insurance Rates in Arkansas
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Fusion S 4-Dr Sedan $166 $302 $326 $20 $98 $912 $76
Fusion SE 4-Dr Sedan $188 $356 $326 $20 $98 $988 $82
Fusion Hybrid 4-Dr Sedan $188 $410 $408 $24 $122 $1,152 $96
Fusion SEL 4-Dr Sedan $188 $356 $326 $20 $98 $988 $82
Fusion Sport 4-Dr Sedan $188 $356 $326 $20 $98 $988 $82
Fusion SEL AWD 4-Dr Sedan $208 $410 $326 $20 $98 $1,062 $89
Fusion Sport AWD 4-Dr Sedan $208 $410 $326 $20 $98 $1,062 $89
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Data assumes married male driver age 50, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $500 deductibles, and Arkansas minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include homeowner, multi-policy, claim-free, safe-driver, and multi-vehicle. Information does not factor in vehicle garaging location which can raise or lower price quotes significantly.

Ratings for Arkansas insurance companies

Insuring your vehicle with a good quality auto insurance provider can be a challenge considering how many different companies sell coverage in Arkansas. The company information below could help you analyze which providers to look at when trying to find the cheapest insurance for a Ford Fusion. These ratings only include companies who write in the majority of U.S. states, so companies that focus mainly on Arkansas business are not taken into consideration for these rankings.

Top 10 Major Car Insurance Companies Overall in Arkansas

  1. Travelers
  2. USAA
  3. AAA Insurance
  4. Nationwide
  5. Allstate
  6. State Farm
  7. The Hartford
  8. Safeco Insurance
  9. Progressive
  10. American Family

Top Companies for Ford Fusion Insurance in Arkansas

Cost difference between full coverage and liability

Finding the cheapest insurance for a Ford Fusion in Arkansas should be important to most people, and one common way to buy cheaper insurance is to only buy liability insurance. The example below visualizes the comparison of insurance costs with full phyical damage coverage and with liability coverage only. The data is based on no violations or accidents, $500 deductibles, drivers are single, and no discounts are taken into consideration.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawFclqcibChart);function drawFclqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘Full Coverage with $500 Deductibles’, ‘Liability Only’],[‘Age 20’, 3499,1205],[‘Age 30’, 1821,663],[‘Age 40’, 1795,613],[‘Age 50’, 1635,575],[‘Age 60’, 1581,565],[‘Age 70’, 1939,755]]);var options = {title: ‘Savings of Only Insuring for Liability’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 500,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’},colors: [‘#6791b9′,’#98bee2’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Insurance Cost for a Ford Fusion in Arkansas’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibfcl’));chart.draw(data, options);}

If all age groups are averaged, comprehensive and collision coverage on your policy costs an additional $2,045 per year more than just buying liability only. That proposes the question if full coverage is worth the money. There is no exact formula that works best for making the decision to drop physical damage coverage on your policy, but there is a general guideline. If the yearly cost for physical damage coverage is more than 10% of any settlement you would receive from your insurance company, then it could be time to drop full coverage.

There are some conditions where buying only liability insurance is not a good plan. If you have an outstanding loan on your vehicle, you are required to maintain full coverage in order to prevent the bank from purchasing higher-priced coverage. Also, if you don’t have enough money to buy a different vehicle in case of an accident, you should not buy liability only.

State Farm, Progressive, Geico, or Allstate: Who is cheapest?

When shopping for insurance for a Fusion in Arkansas, some of the first companies to look at are State Farm, Progressive, Geico, and Allstate. The following table rates some of the different options and features that are available.

Auto Insurance Company Comparison
State Farm Progressive Geico Allstate
Number of Discounts 3rd 4th 2nd 1st
Customer Satisfaction 4th 3rd 1st 2nd
Overall Cost 2nd 3rd 1st 4th
Claims Service 2nd 4th 3rd 1st
Percent of U.S. market 18.3% 8.8% 11.4% 10%
Customers who recommend 88% 88% 87% 86%
A.M. Best rating A++ A+ A++ A+
Standard & Poor’s rating AA AA AA+ AA-
New car replacement coverage No No No Yes
Coverage for Uber and Lyft drivers Yes Yes Yes Yes
Accident forgiveness coverage No Yes Yes Yes
Roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rate for vehicle usage Yes Yes No Yes
Mechanical breakdown insurance No Yes Yes No
Insurance Agents State Farm-only agents Buy online or from an independent agent Can buy online or use a Geico agent Allstate exclusive agents
Number of agents 18,000+ 30,000+ 150+ 11,000+
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Who has the cheapest Ford Fusion insurance quotes?

There are many ways to get affordable insurance quotes in Arkansas, but the most common are through a non-exclusive or independent agent, an exclusive insurance agency like Allstate or Liberty Mutual, or direct either online or via phone. All three ways are similar, but insurance shoppers should know the differences in how they provide rate quotes.

Independent agencies write for multiple companies and can provide price quotes from all of them. Agents of this type have the option to compare multiple rates, which may give you the best idea of how your rates compare. If a cheaper price is found, your agent can switch companies and you don’t have to do anything.

A captive or exclusive agent is able to quote prices with one company, examples being Allstate and Liberty Mutual agents. These agents are unable to quote prices from more than a single company, so you will not be able to compare their rates to other companies.

Drivers who opt to buy insurance direct skip a local agent and buy from a direct company like Progressive or Geico. Shopping direct may be preferred by people who do not need risk management and have an above average understanding of the limitations of their policy.

So what is the best way to buy the cheapest insurance for a Ford Fusion in Arkansas? It would be simple to say buying from a direct car insurance company saves the most money because there is no agent taking a commission, but unfortunately, it’s not that simple. An argument could also be made that buying insurance from an independent agent results in the best rates due to more options, but again, that’s not accurate. In many cases, the exclusive agents may have very competitive prices that are the lowest in Arkansas.

Because there are so many factors that make up insurance rates, the guaranteed way to get the cheapest rates is to get quotes and compare. We recommend you get quotes from all three types to have the best rate selection. We compiled a list of companies with some of the cheapest online rates that you can click here to view.

How to find economical insurance for a Ford Fusion

The list below shows some penny-pinching solutions that can help Arkansas drivers get cheaper auto insurance.

  • Do not get into accidents
  • Higher physical damage deductibles lower rates
  • Pay for small claims rather than turning them in to your insurance company
  • Serious violations like DUI or careless driving can make car insurance unaffordable
  • Do not pay for comprehensive and collision coverage on older vehicles
  • Compare quotes from other companies often

That last idea is remarkably vital, as was emphasized in this piece. Coverage prices can change significantly in a year, so you should be ready to switch to a new company if a better rate can be found.

We understand brand loyalty, but it’s not a great idea if it’s costing you lots of hard earned cash every month. It only takes a couple minutes to compare rates to find cheaper car insurance for a Ford Fusion.