Cheapest Insurance Quotes for a Toyota RAV4 in Arizona

Cheapest Insurance Quotes for a Toyota RAV4 in Arizona

The odds of finding cheaper car insurance for a Toyota RAV4 in Arizona depends on a lot of factors like whether you use your RAV4 for business use, if you are currently insured, and your motor vehicle report. Arizona drivers pay on average $810 every 12 months to buy insurance for a Toyota RAV4, but that price is an estimation calculated based on a 50-year-old single female that has full comprehensive and collision coverage and $500 policy deductibles.

More than likely, you are not exactly 50 years old and possibly not even female, maybe you are married instead of single, or maybe you have a couple of speeding tickets. Auto insurance is unique to every driver, so your best shot at finding affordable rates for your Toyota is to compare rates from as many companies as possible. Quotes are free and easy and you can get rates from some of the cheapest companies in Arizona.

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Toyota RAV4 Insurance Rates in Arizona
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
RAV4 2WD $162 $308 $338 $20 $102 $930 $78
RAV4 Sport 2WD $162 $308 $338 $20 $102 $930 $78
RAV4 4WD $162 $308 $338 $20 $102 $930 $78
RAV4 Limited 2WD $162 $308 $338 $20 $102 $930 $78
RAV4 Limited 4WD $162 $308 $338 $20 $102 $930 $78
RAV4 Limited 4WD $162 $308 $338 $20 $102 $930 $78
RAV4 Sport 4WD $162 $308 $338 $20 $102 $930 $78
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Table data assumes single female driver age 50, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $500 deductibles, and Arizona minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include homeowner, safe-driver, claim-free, multi-vehicle, and multi-policy. Premium costs do not factor in garaging location in Arizona which can modify rates considerably.

Picking the right insurance provider is difficult considering how many choices there are in Arizona. The ranking information in the lists below can help you analyze which insurers you want to consider shopping your coverage with.

These ratings only include companies with a national presence, so companies with more of a regional focus are not factored into the list. To compare prices from these top-rated insurers and more, click this link.

Top 10 Major Auto Insurers in Arizona Ranked by Claims Service

  1. State Farm
  2. Esurance
  3. AAA Insurance
  4. GEICO
  5. Liberty Mutual
  6. Progressive
  7. Allstate
  8. Titan Insurance
  9. The Hartford
  10. Mercury Insurance

Top 10 Major Auto Insurers Overall in Arizona

  1. USAA
  2. American Family
  3. State Farm
  4. The Hartford
  5. AAA Insurance
  6. GEICO
  7. The General
  8. Titan Insurance
  9. Progressive
  10. Mercury Insurance

Top Companies for Toyota RAV4 Insurance in Arizona

Discounts on the cheapest insurance for a Toyota RAV4 in Arizona

Cheaper Arizona insurance for a RAV4Insurance companies that provide coverage for a Toyota RAV4 could also offer rate discounts that may potentially lower prices by 30% or more if you qualify. A list of companies and some of the premium reductions they offer are detailed below.

  • Esurance may offer discounts for paid-in-full, good student, homeowner, anti-theft, and multi-car.
  • The Hartford discounts include driver training, good student, anti-theft, vehicle fuel type, and air bag.
  • AAA has savings for pay-in-full, AAA membership discount, education and occupation, anti-theft, multi-car, multi-policy, and good driver.
  • GEICO offers discounts including emergency military deployment, multi-vehicle, good student, military active duty, and seat belt use.
  • State Farm offers premium reductions for good student, multiple autos, accident-free, driver’s education, Steer Clear safe driver discount, and Drive Safe & Save.

The illustration below illustrates the difference between auto insurance rates with and without discounts applied to the policy rates. The data is based on a male driver, no claims, a clean driving record, Arizona state minimum liability limits, comp and collision included, and $1,000 deductibles. The first bar for each age group shows insurance cost with no discounts. The second shows the rates with claim-free, vehicle safety, passive restraint, anti-theft, homeowner, and defensive driving course discounts applied. When drivers qualify for the discounts, the the average amount saved on insurance for a Toyota RAV4 is 28% or $414.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawDiscqcibChart);function drawDiscqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘Male Driver No Discounts’, ‘Male Driver with Discounts’],[‘Age 20’, 2533,1821],[‘Age 30’, 1335,969],[‘Age 40’, 1299,939],[‘Age 50’, 1189,861],[‘Age 60’, 1157,837],[‘Age 70’, 1435,1035]]);var options = {title: ‘Insurance Premium Comparison for a Toyota RAV4’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 500,’chartArea’:{left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’},colors: [‘#6791b9’, ‘#98bee2’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Insurance Cost for a Toyota RAV4 in Arizona’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibdisc’));chart.draw(data, options);}

Allstate vs State Farm vs Geico vs Progressive

When shopping around for auto insurance, four companies to definitely compare rates with are Allstate, State Farm, Geico, and Progressive. The data below breaks down pricing and service ratings, plus some optional coverages that policyholders can buy.

Car Insurance Company Comparison
Allstate State Farm Geico Progressive
Claims Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Policy Cost 4th 2nd 1st 3rd
Discounts Offered 1st 3rd 2nd 4th
Customer Satisfaction 2nd 4th 1st 3rd
Recommend by customers 86% 88% 87% 88%
Coverage for Uber and Lyft drivers Yes Yes Yes Yes
Accident forgiveness Yes No Yes Yes
Roadside service Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mechnical breakdown No No Yes Yes
New car replacement coverage Yes No No No
Rate for vehicle usage Yes Yes No Yes
Insure in Arizona Yes Yes Yes Yes
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How to get the cheapest insurance for a Toyota RAV4 in Arizona

Here are a few money-saving suggestions that can help drivers quote the cheapest car insurance.

  • Get cheaper liability coverage by choosing a safer vehicle
  • Accidents can significantly increase rates
  • Speeding tickets and other violations increase rates
  • Earn a discount by not filing claims
  • Bundle car and home insurance and save money
  • Comparison shop at least every other year

The last suggestion is remarkably important, as we discussed in this piece. Prices charged by auto insurers in Arizona fluctuate constantly, so drivers shouldn’t hesitate to buy a different policy if you find a better deal. Having a favorite company is fine, but is isn’t recommended if it’s costing you major coinage every year. Take a couple minutes and compare prices to find cheaper insurance for a Toyota RAV4.

Cheap Toyota RAV4 insurance quotes

Thanks to technology, drivers have a lot of ways to quote cheap insurance rates in Arizona, but the most popular are from an exlusive agent like Liberty Mutual or Allstate, an independent insurance agent, or buying direct from a company like Progressive or Geico. You can use whichever you prefer, but insurance buyers need to understand the differences in how they give price quotes.

Independent insurance agents write business for many companies and can do rate comparisons with each one. Independent agents are able to provide you with more rates, which may provide you with a better chance of saving money. If the agent locates a cheaper price, the business is moved internally and you stay with the same agent.

A captive, or exclusive, agent is contracted to one company, two examples being Liberty Mutual and Allstate agents. These guys and gals cannot shop your coverage around, so you will not be able to compare their rates to other companies.

Drivers who opt to buy insurance direct do not use an exlusive or independent agent and instead shop from a direct company like Progressive or Geico. Buying insurance direct can be a good choice for consumers who do not need complex risk management and have some degree of understanding of what coverage options they need.

So out of those three methods, which one works best to find the cheapest insurance for a Toyota RAV4 in Arizona? We’d like to tell you shopping direct results in the best prices since there is no middleman, but in reality, that argument does not hold true. It would also be easy to say using an independent agent guarantees the lowest rates since they have access to many companies, but that is not necessarily true either. And sometimes, exclusive agents have extremely competitive rates that are the cheapest in Arizona.

Due to that fact that insurance uses so many rating variables, the only real way to get the cheapest rates is to compare, compare, and compare some more. If you want to save money, get rate quotes from all three to give yourself enough choices. For a list of insurance companies with low rates, click here to view.