How Much Does Insurance Cost for a Nissan Sentra in Colorado?

How Much Does Insurance Cost for a Nissan Sentra in Colorado?

Whether or not you can find the cheapest coverage for a Nissan Sentra in Colorado relies on a whole bunch of rating criteria such as your birth date, if you have a tendancy to file claims, and your policy deductibles. Colorado drivers on average pay around $1,250 per year to insure their Sentra, but that is a ballpark figure based upon a 30-year-old single male who requires full comprehensive and collision coverage and $250 policy deductibles.

But there is a high likelihood that you are not a 30-year-old male, maybe you are married instead of single, or maybe you do not need full coverage. Using even a minor difference in policy rating variables can induce significant differences in the rate quoted for a Nissan Sentra.

There is no one cookie-cutter policy that works for everyone, so your best shot at finding the most affordable coverage for your Nissan is to quote often and with as many companies as possible.

Find Cheaper Nissan Sentra Insurance

The specific trim level will influence the annual cost of coverage, so the price to insure a Sentra 2 model will be $202 less expensive the price to insure the more well-appointed Sentra SE-R SPEC V trim level, as shown below.

Nissan Sentra Insurance Rates in Colorado
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Sentra 2 $270 $458 $460 $28 $138 $1,354 $113
Sentra 2.0 S $270 $538 $460 $28 $138 $1,434 $120
Sentra 2.0 SR $270 $538 $460 $28 $138 $1,434 $120
Sentra 2.0 SL $310 $538 $460 $28 $138 $1,474 $123
Sentra SE-R $310 $538 $460 $28 $138 $1,474 $123
Sentra SE-R SPEC V $310 $620 $460 $28 $138 $1,556 $130
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Data based on single male driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $250 deductibles, and Colorado minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-vehicle, claim-free, homeowner, safe-driver, and multi-policy. Rates do not factor in specific garaging location which can change price quotes substantially.

Shopping around for cheap auto insurance is not always easy, and figuring out which company offers the cheapest auto insurance rates for a Nissan Sentra will require a little more work. Each auto insurer uses different criteria to set policy rates, so let’s begin by taking a look at the overall cheapest auto insurance companies in Colorado.

Best Cheap Insurance Rates for Your Sentra

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Rankings for the cheapest Colorado auto insurance companies
Rank Company Cost Per Year
1 The Hartford $850
2 Grange $978
3 USAA $999
4 Nationwide $1,109
5 Auto-Owners $1,168
6 Travelers $1,183
7 GEICO $1,187
8 State Farm $1,246
9 American Family $1,262
10 Amica $1,340
11 Progressive $1,362
12 California Casualty $1,458
13 Allied $1,497
14 Farmers $1,565
15 Colorado Farm Bureau $1,624
16 MetLife $1,866
17 Allstate $2,076
18 Encompass $2,165
19 Safeco $2,472
20 Titan $2,657
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The Hartford generally has some of the most affordable car insurance rates in Colorado at around $850 each year. Grange, USAA, Nationwide, and Auto-Owners are also some of the cheapest Colorado car insurance companies.

As shown in the table above, if you have coverage with Nationwide and switched to The Hartford, you could realize a yearly savings of upwards of $259. Insureds with Auto-Owners might save as much as $318 a year, and Travelers insureds might see rate reductions of $333 a year.

To get a quick, customized rate comparison, click here to get a free quote or quote prices from the following companies.

These prices are averaged across all types of drivers and the different vehicles they drive and and are not figured with a specific rate factor for a Nissan Sentra. So the insurer that can offer you the lowest price may not even be shown in the above rate chart. That affirms the importance of why you need to quote rates from many companies using your own driver information and specific vehicle type.

Difference between liability only and full coverage rates

Finding cheap insurance for a Nissan Sentra in Colorado is probably important to most people, and an easy way to find cheap insurance is to only pay for liability coverage. The chart below shows the comparison of auto insurance rates with full coverage compared to only the Colorado minimum liability coverage. The prices are based on no tickets, no at-fault accidents, $100 deductibles, single marital status, and no discounts are taken into consideration.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawFclqcibChart);function drawFclqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘Full Coverage with $100 Deductibles’, ‘Liability Only’],[‘Age 20’, 4453,1247],[‘Age 30’, 2257,685],[‘Age 40’, 2259,635],[‘Age 50’, 2051,595],[‘Age 60’, 1985,583],[‘Age 70’, 2405,781]]);var options = {title: ‘Rate Comparison of Full Coverage and Liability Only’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 500,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’},colors: [‘#6791b9′,’#98bee2’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Insurance Cost for a Nissan Sentra in Colorado’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibfcl’));chart.draw(data, options);}

As an average, full coverage costs an additional $2,568 per year more than carrying just liability coverage. A very common question is if it’s a good idea to buy full coverage. There is no definitive formula that is best for determining when to drop physical damage coverage, but there is a broad guideline. If the annual cost of comprehensive and collision coverage is more than around 10% of the replacement cost of your vehicle minus the policy deductible, then it might be time to consider dropping full coverage.

For example, let’s assume your vehicle’s claim settlement value is $4,000 and you have $1,000 full coverage deductibles. If your vehicle is damaged in an accident, the most your company will settle for is $3,000 after paying your policy deductible. If you are paying in excess of $300 a year for physical damage coverage, then it might be time to buy liability only.

There are a few cases where only buying liability is not financially feasible. If you still owe a portion of the original loan, you are required to maintain full coverage as part of the loan conditions. Also, if your emergency fund is not enough to purchase a different vehicle if your current one is damaged, you should not opt for liability only.

Discount Colorado car insurance rates

Save on auto insurance for a Sentra in ColoradoAuto insurance companies that sell cheap insurance for a Nissan Sentra in Colorado may have rate discounts that could potentially reduce rates by as much as 35% or more if you are eligible for them. A list of auto insurance companies and some of their more popular discounts are outlined below.

Auto Insurance Discounts Available
Discount Geico Progressive State Farm Allstate Liberty Mutual
Multi-policy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multiple vehicles Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Theft prevention Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safe vehicle Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Passive restraint Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Daytime running lights Yes No Yes No No
New car No No Yes Yes No
Accident-free Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Defensive driving course Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Low mileage No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Armed forces Yes Yes Yes No No
Occupational Yes No No No Yes
Paid in full Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Paperless billing Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Loyalty No Yes Yes No No
Early signing No No No Yes No
Good student Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Student away from home No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Own your home No Yes No No No
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The diagram below visualizes the comparison of car insurance rates with and without policy discounts. The rates are based on a male driver, no accidents, no driving violations, Colorado state minimum liability limits, full coverage, and $250 deductibles. The first bar for each age group shows insurance cost with no discounts. The second shows the rates with accident-free, multiple policy, safe-driver, multiple vehicle, anti-theft, and homeowner discounts applied. When drivers take advantage of discounts, the the average yearly reduction on auto insurance for a Nissan Sentra is % or $.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawDiscqcibChart);function drawDiscqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘Male Driver No Discounts’, ‘Male Driver with Discounts’],[‘Age 20’, 4321,3105],[‘Age 30’, 2179,1581],[‘Age 40’, 2185,1585],[‘Age 50’, 1985,1437],[‘Age 60’, 1921,1389],[‘Age 70’, 2339,1683]]);var options = {title: ‘Effect of Discounts on Insurance Rates for a Nissan Sentra’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 500,’chartArea’:{left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’},colors: [‘#6791b9’, ‘#98bee2’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Insurance Cost for a Nissan Sentra’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibdisc’));chart.draw(data, options);}