Cheap Insurance for a Nissan Rogue in Maryland

Cheap Insurance for a Nissan Rogue in Maryland

Our editors always tell us that when writing about car insurance, the words “cheap” or “affordable” really shouldn’t be used anywhere to describe car insurance prices. Notwithstanding, cheap car insurance for a Nissan Rogue is not easy to find. Don’t let that get you down, though, because we will tell you how you can still get auto insurance that is easier on your budget.

Finding the best cheap auto insurance for a Nissan Rogue in Maryland is dependent upon things such as whether you are married, your credit score, and if you have a history of accidents. Drivers pay approximately $1,500 annually to buy insurance for a Nissan Rogue, but that cost is a ballpark figure that uses rate data for a 30-year-old single male that included full physical damage coverage and $100 physical damage deductibles.

But there is a high likelihood that you aren’t exactly 30 years old or even a male, you might be married instead of single, and maybe your Rogue just needs liability-only coverage. Auto insurance is unique to each driver, so the only way to find the most affordable coverage for your Nissan is to start the habit of comparing rates at least once a year. Quotes only take a couple of minutes and you will be able to compare rates from top-rated car insurance companies in Maryland.

Cheapest Nissan Rogue Insurance Rates

Your Nissan’s trim level will likely have an effect on the cost of coverage, so the price you will pay to insure a Rogue S 2WD trim level will be $112 less expensive the cost to insure the high end Rogue SL AWD model, as shown below.

Nissan Rogue Insurance Rates in Maryland
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Rogue S 2WD $398 $632 $602 $36 $180 $1,848 $154
Rogue S AWD $398 $632 $602 $36 $180 $1,848 $154
Rogue SL 2WD $398 $632 $602 $36 $180 $1,848 $154
Rogue SL AWD $398 $744 $602 $36 $180 $1,960 $163
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Prices based on single male driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $100 deductibles, and Maryland minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include homeowner, multi-policy, safe-driver, multi-vehicle, and claim-free. Rates do not factor in specific location information which can modify auto insurance rates greatly.

Picking the right auto insurance provider can be difficult considering how many different insurance companies sell coverage in Maryland. The company rank data shown next could help you analyze which coverage providers to look at when shopping insurance around for a Nissan Rogue. The rankings below are only comprised of the largest companies in the United States, so companies without a large exposure are not included in these rankings.

Maryland Insurance Company Rankings
Company Value Customer Service Claims Customer Satisfaction A.M Best Rating Overall Score
Travelers 93 98 99 88% A++ 95.1
USAA 83 99 100 91% A++ 94.1
AAA Insurance 91 95 92 90% A 93.3
Nationwide 85 95 97 89% A+ 92.4
Allstate 77 100 97 88% A+ 90.7
State Farm 80 94 96 88% A++ 90.6
The Hartford 88 93 91 87% A+ 90.4
Safeco Insurance 91 95 85 88% A 90.2
Progressive 88 94 83 88% A+ 90.1
American Family 91 86 95 83% A 89.7
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Data Source: Best Car Insurance Companies

Discounts on cheap insurance for a Nissan Rogue in Maryland

Discounts on insurance for a Nissan RogueInsurers that offer cheap quotes for a Nissan Rogue could also offer policy discounts that could reduce prices by 25% or more if you meet eligibility requirements. The best insurance companies and some of the discounts include:

Car Insurance Discounts for Popular Insurance Companies
Discount Geico Progressive State Farm Allstate
Bundle discount Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multi-vehicle Yes Yes Yes No
Theft prevention Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anti-lock brakes Yes No Yes Yes
Air bags Yes No Yes Yes
New car No No Yes Yes
Green vehicle No No No Yes
Safe driver Yes Yes Yes Yes
Defensive driver Yes Yes Yes Yes
Armed forces Yes Yes Yes No
Occupational Yes No No No
Full payment Yes Yes No Yes
Email statements Yes Yes No Yes
Customer loyalty No Yes Yes No
Good grades Yes Yes Yes Yes
Distant student No Yes Yes Yes
Own home No Yes No No
Seat belt use Yes No No No
Online quote No Yes No No
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The illustration below shows the difference between car insurance costs with and without discounts applied. The premiums are based on a male driver, no claims or violations, Maryland state minimum liability limits, comprehensive and collision coverage, and $500 deductibles.

The first bar for each age group shows premium with no discounts. The second bar shows the rates with safe-driver, passive restraint, multiple policy, anti-theft, accident-free, and marriage discounts applied. When these discounts are applied to the policy premium, the the amount saved on insurance for a Nissan Rogue is % or $.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawDiscqcibChart);function drawDiscqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘Male Driver No Discounts’, ‘Male Driver with Discounts’],[‘Age 20’, 4105,2947],[‘Age 30’, 2155,1559],[‘Age 40’, 2103,1519],[‘Age 50’, 1923,1389],[‘Age 60’, 1865,1345],[‘Age 70’, 2307,1657]]);var options = {title: ‘Insurance Rate Comparison with Discounts for a Nissan Rogue’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 500,’chartArea’:{left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’},colors: [‘#6791b9’, ‘#98bee2’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Insurance Cost for a Nissan Rogue’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibdisc’));chart.draw(data, options);}

Violations and accidents raise rates

The ideal way to earn the best insurance prices in Maryland for a Rogue is to pay attention while driving and avoid accidents and violations. The illustration below shows how violations and at-fault fender-benders can raise insurance costs for different age groups. The information is based on a single female driver, full physical damage coverage, $100 deductibles, and no discounts are factored in.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawVioqcibChart);function drawVioqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘No Violations or Accidents’, ‘Two Speeding Tickets and No Accidents’, ‘Two Speeding Tickets and Two Accidents’],[‘Age 20’, 4367,5389,9057],[‘Age 30’, 2997,4023,7687],[‘Age 40’, 2785,3805,7473],[‘Age 50’, 2433,3453,7123],[‘Age 60’, 2353,3375,7041],[‘Age 70’, 2753,3777,7443]]);var options = {title: ‘Impact of Tickets and Claims on Maryland Nissan Rogue Insurance’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’, fontSize: 17, bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 600,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’,textStyle: {fontSize: 12}},colors:[‘#b2da64′,’#eed355′,’#e39e71’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Insurance Cost for a Nissan Rogue in Maryland’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);formatter.format(data,3);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibvio’));chart.draw(data, options);}

In the chart above, the average cost of auto insurance per year with a clean driving record and no accidents is $2,948. Factor in two speeding tickets and the average cost surges to $3,970, an increase of $1,022 each year. Now throw in two accidents along with the two speeding tickets and the 12-month cost of insurance for a Nissan Rogue increases to an average of $7,637. That’s an increase of $4,689, or $391 per month, just for not driving responsibly!

How to find the cheapest car insurance for a Nissan Rogue

The list below summarizes some of the better money-saving ideas that can help Maryland drivers find cheaper coverage.

  • The safer your car, the less it costs to insure
  • Keep your driving record clean
  • Bundle home or renters insurance to earn a discount on car insurance
  • Prevent rate increases by staying accident-free
  • Claim-free policyholders usually earn a discount
  • Compare quotes from other companies often

That last piece of advice is especially significant, as we pointed out in the article above. Prices charged by car insurance companies in Maryland vary considerably, so drivers shouldn’t be reluctant to buy from a new company if a cheaper price is available. Staying with the same car insurance company is fine, but we do not recommend it if your bullheadedness ends up costing you a lot of money. If you have a few minutes, compare prices and find cheaper insurance for a Nissan Rogue.

Cheapest Nissan Rogue insurance quotes

There are quite a few ways to compare insurance quotes in Maryland, but the most prevalent are through a non-exclusive or independent agent, an exclusive insurance agency such as Liberty Mutual or Allstate, or buying direct from a company like Geico or Progressive.

They all have the same end result, but each is slightly different in how they provide price quotes.

Independent agencies can place your business with multiple companies and can get policy pricing from each one. These types of agencies are not employed by only one company and can provide you with more rate quotes, which can help you get a better chance of saving money. If a cheaper rate is found, your policy can be moved which makes it easier to save money.

An agent who is captive is usually restricted to one company, two examples being an Auto-Owners or State Farm agent. Exclusive agents cannot provide multiple price quotes, so if finding the cheapest coverage is your goal, you will need to shop around.

The third way to buy insurance is direct which means you skip local agents and instead buy buying direct from a company like Geico or Esurance. Buying insurance direct may be a decent choice families who do not need complex risk management and have some degree of understanding of what coverage options they need.

So out of those three methods, which one works best to find cheap insurance for a Nissan Rogue in Maryland? The obvious answer would be buying from a direct company saves money because you bypass the agent, but unfortunately, it’s not that simple. An argument could also be made that buying insurance from an independent agent guarantees the best prices due to more options, but that assumption is also not necessarily accurate. In the right set of circumstances, the exclusive agents have very competitive rates that other insurance companies cannot touch.

Since insurance companies use so many rating factors, really the only way to buy the cheapest policy is to obtain price quotes and compare them. Set aside the time to get price quotes from independent, exclusive, and direct to get an idea of which is cheapest. We compiled a list of companies with some of the cheapest online rates that you can click here to view.