Who Has the Cheapest Insurance for a Honda Civic in Texas?

Who Has the Cheapest Insurance for a Honda Civic in Texas?

The chances of buying cheap coverage for a Honda Civic in Texas relies on a large number of factors like age of the vehicle, whether or not you have prior claims, and whether or not you are a good driver. Drivers in Texas on average will pay $1,180 per year to buy insurance for a Honda Civic, but that price is an estimate based upon a 50-year-old married female driver who needs both comprehensive and collision coverage and $250 policy deductibles.

There is a good probability you aren’t exactly 50 years old or even a female, you might be single instead of married, and maybe your Civic just needs liability-only coverage. There is no perfect policy for every driver, so the best way to find the cheapest coverage for your Honda is to just compare rates yourself. Get your free quotes now and you will receive price comparisons from top-rated companies that insure Honda vehicles in Texas.

Compare Rates and Save

Your Honda’s trim level tends to have a direct effect on the insurance rate, so the price you will be charged to insure a Civic DX 4-Dr Sedan trim level will be $398 cheaper than the insurance cost for the more expensive Civic SI 2-Dr Coupe model, as shown by the rates below.

Honda Civic Insurance Rates in Texas
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Civic DX 4-Dr Sedan $198 $412 $358 $22 $108 $1,098 $92
Civic VP 4-Dr Sedan $198 $486 $358 $22 $108 $1,172 $98
Civic LX 4-Dr Sedan $198 $486 $358 $22 $108 $1,172 $98
Civic DX 2-Dr Coupe $198 $486 $448 $26 $134 $1,292 $108
Civic EX 4-Dr Sedan $198 $486 $358 $22 $108 $1,172 $98
Civic LX-S 4-Dr Sedan $198 $486 $358 $22 $108 $1,172 $98
Civic LX 2-Dr Coupe $198 $558 $448 $26 $134 $1,364 $114
Civic EX-L 4-Dr Sedan $226 $558 $358 $22 $108 $1,272 $106
Civic SI 4-Dr Sedan $226 $558 $358 $22 $108 $1,272 $106
Civic EX 2-Dr Coupe $226 $558 $448 $26 $134 $1,392 $116
Civic GX 4-Dr Sedan $226 $558 $358 $22 $108 $1,272 $106
Civic EX-L 2-Dr Coupe $226 $558 $448 $26 $134 $1,392 $116
Civic Hybrid 4-Dr Sedan $256 $486 $358 $22 $108 $1,230 $103
Civic SI 2-Dr Coupe $256 $632 $448 $26 $134 $1,496 $125
Get Your Own Custom Quote Go

Data rating is based on married female driver age 50, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $250 deductibles, and Texas minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-policy, claim-free, safe-driver, multi-vehicle, and homeowner. Information does not factor in specific zip code location which can lower or raise price quotes significantly.

Choosing a highly-rated insurer can be a challenge considering how many different companies there are to choose from in Texas. The ranking data shown below may help you choose which insurers to look at comparing price quotes from. These rankings are only made up of companies that insure vehicles nationwide, so companies that only write business in Texas or surrounding areas are not included in this list.

Top 10 Large Auto Insurance Providers in Texas Ranked by Customer Service

  1. USAA
  2. Travelers
  3. Mercury Insurance
  4. AAA Insurance
  5. Nationwide
  6. Safeco Insurance
  7. Progressive
  8. State Farm
  9. The Hartford
  10. The General

Top 10 Large Auto Insurance Providers in Texas Ranked by Customer Satisfaction

  1. USAA – 91%
  2. AAA Insurance – 90%
  3. Esurance – 90%
  4. Mercury Insurance – 89%
  5. Nationwide – 89%
  6. Travelers – 88%
  7. Progressive – 88%
  8. Safeco Insurance – 88%
  9. State Farm – 88%
  10. Allstate – 88%

Top Companies for Honda Civic Insurance in Texas

How much more does full coverage cost?

Finding the cheapest insurance for a Honda Civic in Texas is important to most people, and one easy way to pay less for insurance is to not pay for full coverage. The illustration below visualizes the comparison of premium costs with full coverage and liability only. The prices are based on no driving violations, no at-fault accidents, $100 deductibles, drivers are single, and no additional discounts are factored in.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawFclqcibChart);function drawFclqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘Full Coverage with $100 Deductibles’, ‘Liability Only’],[‘Age 20’, 5203,1351],[‘Age 30’, 2591,741],[‘Age 40’, 2621,685],[‘Age 50’, 2377,643],[‘Age 60’, 2299,631],[‘Age 70’, 2789,845]]);var options = {title: ‘Savings of Only Insuring for Liability’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 500,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’},colors: [‘#6791b9′,’#98bee2’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Insurance Cost for a Honda Civic in Texas’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibfcl’));chart.draw(data, options);}

If we average all the age groups together, physical damage insurance costs an additional $2,980 per year more than carrying just liability coverage. Many of you may wonder if physical damage coverage is worth the money. There is no clear-cut rule of when to phase out full coverage, but there is a guideline you can consider. If the yearly cost for physical damage coverage is more than around 10% of any settlement you would receive from your insurance company, then you might want to think about dropping full coverage.

There are some scenarios where dropping physical damage coverage is not a good plan. If you haven’t satisfied your loan, you have to carry full coverage as part of the loan conditions. Also, if your finances do not allow you to purchase a different vehicle in the even your car is totaled, you should keep full coverage.

Last year’s bargain might be this year’s rip off

Texas insurance rates are impacted by many factors which can substantially decrease or increase your annual premium. Simply having a birthday, buying a home instead of renting, or getting a speeding ticket can trigger rate changes that can make some companies cheaper than before.

In addition to those changes, companies file new rates without warning to help ensure profitability. A period of higher than normal claims can cause rate hikes, while a better loss history may result in lower-cost Civic insurance rates.

To help illustrate this point, the data below shows the cheapest car insurance in Texas for a 35-year-old male driver with no accidents, a clean driving record, and a good credit history. If we estimate rates based on his personal risk profile, Travelers might offer the cheapest car insurance rates in Texas at $1,041 per year. This is $863 less than the average price paid by Texas drivers of $1,904. USAA, Texas Farm Bureau, Germania Mutual, and Esurance are the remainder of the cheapest Texas auto insurance companies.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawTXWitcqcibChart);function drawTXWitcqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Company’, ‘Rate’, { role: ‘style’ }],[‘Travelers’, 1041, ‘#77AF00’],[‘USAA’, 1095, ‘#639100’],[‘Texas Farm Bureau’, 1235, ‘#527800’],[‘Germania Mutual’, 1282, ‘#446400’],[‘Esurance’, 1379, ‘#385300’]]);var options = {title: ‘Best Car Insurance Rates for a Honda Civic’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’, fontSize: 17, bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 300,’chartArea’: {left:0,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},bar: {groupWidth: “90%”},legend: {position: ‘none’},vAxis: {viewWindowMode:’explicit’,viewWindow:{max:1479,min:0}}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);view.setColumns([0, 1,{ calc: “stringify”,sourceColumn: 1,type: “string”,role: “annotation” },2]);formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibwitc’));chart.draw(view, options);}

In this example, we will give the driver from the first example an accident claim, a lower credit rating, and a blemish on his driving record. Due to the fact that every auto insurer uses their own calculation for setting prices, comparing quotes most likely will result in a different ranking of affordable companies as shown below.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawTXWcqcibChart);function drawTXWcqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Company’, ‘Rate’, { role: ‘style’ }],[‘State Farm’, 1595, ‘#F57E00’],[‘Mercury’, 1673.1, ‘#CC6900’],[‘Safe Auto’, 1721.5, ‘#AA5700’],[‘Nationwide’, 1743.5, ‘#8D4800’],[‘USAA’, 1752, ‘#753C00’]]);var options = {title: ‘Best Rates for Imperfect Drivers’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 300,’chartArea’:{left:0,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},bar: {groupWidth: “90%”},legend: {position: ‘none’},vAxis: {viewWindowMode:’explicit’,viewWindow:{max:1852,min:0}}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);view.setColumns([0, 1,{ calc: “stringify”,sourceColumn: 1,type: “string”,role: “annotation” },2]);formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibwc’));chart.draw(view, options);}

State Farm now has the best car insurance rate in Texas with Mercury, Safe Auto, Nationwide, and USAA also having competitive pricing. This example shows why it is so important to do a thorough rate comparison to find cheap car insurance quotes for a Honda Civic.

Prices can be determined by many different factors and change dramatically, so the cheapest company six months ago may now not even be in the top five.

How to find the cheapest insurance for a Honda Civic in Texas

The list below summarizes many thrifty ideas that can help you get low-cost car insurance.

  • The safer your car, the less it costs to insure
  • Higher deductibles save money
  • Clean up your credit rating
  • Maintain a safe distance and avoid accidents
  • Be a safe driver
  • Compare price quotes at least once a year

That last tip is extremely vital, as was discussed in the prior article. Auto insurance rates in Texas can be changed at any time, so drivers shouldn’t hesitate to switch companies if a lower price can be found. Many drivers have brand loyalty and that’s fine, but it’s not recommended if that faithfulness ends up costing you money that could be going to better use. In just a couple of minutes you could shop around and find cheaper insurance for a Honda Civic.