How Much is Insurance for a Dodge Journey in Arkansas?

How Much is Insurance for a Dodge Journey in Arkansas?

Our editors keep telling us that when writing about auto insurance, the word affordable should never appear as a descriptor for auto insurance rates. It’s a simple fact that cheap auto insurance for a Dodge Journey can seem impossible to find. We’ll try to make it up to you, because we are going to show you how you can find coverage that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

Your odds of finding cheap insurance for a Dodge Journey in Arkansas depends on an enormous amount of rating factors such as how many miles you drive each year, whether you are claim-free, and if you had any at-fault accidents in the last few years. Drivers in Arkansas on average pay around $1,440 every 12 months to insure a Journey, but that rate is a valuation that uses a 30-year-old single female driver that included full physical damage coverage and $100 physical damage deductibles.

But there is a high likelihood that you aren’t exactly 30 years old or even a female, maybe you are married instead of single, or maybe your Journey is old enough that it doesn’t require full coverage. Each driver’s needs are different, and that demonstrates why your best shot at finding cheap auto insurance rates for your Dodge is to do a thorough rate comparison. Quotes are free and you can get rates from the best companies in Arkansas.

Compare Dodge Journey Insurance Rates

The specific trim level will likely have an effect on the annual cost of coverage, so the rate you pay to insure a Journey SE 2WD trim level will be $274 less than the price to insure the higher-priced Journey SXT Crew AWD trim level, as demonstrated by the prices below.

Dodge Journey Insurance Rates in Arkansas
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Journey SE 2WD $324 $532 $458 $28 $138 $1,480 $123
Journey SXT 2WD $324 $648 $458 $28 $138 $1,596 $133
Journey R/T 2WD $366 $648 $458 $28 $138 $1,638 $137
Journey SXT Crew 2WD $366 $648 $458 $28 $138 $1,638 $137
Journey SXT AWD $366 $648 $458 $28 $138 $1,638 $137
Journey R/T AWD $366 $764 $458 $28 $138 $1,754 $146
Journey SXT Crew AWD $366 $764 $458 $28 $138 $1,754 $146
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Data variables include single female driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $100 deductibles, and Arkansas minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-vehicle, multi-policy, claim-free, safe-driver, and homeowner. Price estimates do not factor in garaging location in Arkansas which can change coverage prices considerably.

Finding decent, budget auto insurance is confusing at best, and determining which companies have the lowest-priced car insurance rates for a Dodge Journey will take even more diligence. Each auto insurance company has their own unique process to set policy rates, so let’s take a look at the car insurance companies with the overall best prices in Arkansas.

Cheapest Insurance Rates for Your Dodge

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Cheapest Arkansas car insurance ranked by price
Rank Company Cost Per Year
1 USAA $991
2 Auto Club $1,035
3 Travelers $1,137
4 State Farm $1,211
5 Southern Farm Bureau $1,225
6 Columbia Insurance $1,272
7 Farmers $1,303
8 Safeco $1,304
9 State Auto $1,349
10 Cameron Mutual $1,369
11 Auto-Owners $1,373
12 Shelter $1,521
13 Progressive $1,578
14 GEICO $1,833
15 Nationwide $2,071
16 Liberty Mutual $2,121
17 MetLife $2,393
18 ALFA $2,581
19 Home State $2,612
20 Allstate $2,617
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USAA may have some of the most affordable car insurance rates in Arkansas at around $991 each year. Auto Club, Travelers, State Farm, and Southern Farm Bureau also rank well as some of the most economical Arkansas insurance companies.

As shown in the table above, if you are insured with Auto Club and switched to USAA, you could see savings of roughly $44. Arkansas drivers with Travelers might save as much as $146 a year, and State Farm policyholders might reduce prices by as much as $220 a year.

Be aware that those rates are averages for all types of insureds and vehicles and do not factor in a specific rate value for a Dodge Journey. So the insurer that has the lowest price for you may not even be shown in the chart above. That’s why you need to quote rates from many companies using your own personal information and vehicle type.

The diagram below shows how choosing a deductible can affect insurance rates when getting quotes for cheap insurance for a Dodge Journey. The prices are based on a single male driver, comprehensive and collision coverage, and no policy discounts are applied.

The chart above illustrates that a 40-year-old driver could lower rates by $388 a year by changing from a $100 deductible up to a $500 deductible, or save $586 by changing to a $1,000 deductible. Young drivers, like the age 20 example, could possibly save as much as $1,286 each year just by using higher deductibles. When raising deductibles, it is important to have enough savings set aside to offset the extra out-of-pocket expense. That is the one disadvantage of using higher deductibles.

The importance of comparing Journey insurance rates

Arkansas car insurance rates are impacted by many factors that can increase the price you pay for coverage. Simply getting older, getting divorced, or having an at-fault accident may generate price changes resulting in some rates now being cheaper in comparison to the competition.

Not only that, but insurance companies modify pricing multiple times each year in order to protect their financial rating. Significantly higher claims may cause additional price hikes, while a lower level of claims can produce lower-priced Journey insurance rates.

For instance, the graph below compares the cheapest car insurance in Arkansas for a 35-year-old male driver with a good driving record, no prior claims, and solid credit. When quoting prices based on his personal risk profile, Auto Club might quote the best car insurance rates in Arkansas at $1,005 each year. This is $904 less than the average policy premium paid by Arkansas drivers of $1,909. USAA, Travelers, Southern Farm Bureau, and State Farm are the rest of the best Arkansas auto insurance companies.

The chart below compares rates after we give the driver from the first rate comparison a claim, less-than-perfect credit, and a traffic ticket or two. Due to the fact that every insurance company has a unique formula to establish rates, comparing prices could result in a new list of affordable companies as shown below.

Columbia Insurance now has the best car insurance rate in Arkansas with Cameron Mutual, Farmers, Auto-Owners, and State Auto now rounding out the top five. This example shows why drivers need to compare many different companies when trying to find affordable insurance quotes for a Dodge Journey. Insurance rates can be determined by many things and change frequently, so the best company the last time you shopped around may now be one of the more expensive options.

Find cheap insurance for a Dodge Journey in Arkansas

The list below details some of the recommended penny-pinching solutions that can help Arkansas drivers quote the cheapest coverage.

  • Better credit scores save money
  • At-fault accidents will increase rates
  • Buying your home and auto policies from the same company can earn a discount
  • Assess whether full coverage is needed
  • Buy a vehicle with excellent safety ratings
  • Compare rate quotes often

That last tip is incredibly significant, as we noted in the prior information. Car insurance rates can change significantly in a year, so drivers shouldn’t hesitate to change to a new company if a more affordable price is available.

Many drivers have brand loyalty and that’s fine, but it isn’t a good idea if your bullheadedness ends up costing you a fortune every year. If you have a few minutes, compare rates and find cheaper car insurance for a Dodge Journey.