Whenever people write about car insurance, the word “cheap” really shouldn’t be used anywhere to describe car insurance rates. Regardless, cheap auto insurance for a Ford Focus is pretty hard to find. But don’t let us ruin your dream, because there may be ways you can still find coverage that is affordable.
The chances of buying cheap coverage for a Ford Focus in Wyoming is dependent upon a lot of factors such as whether you are married, whether you have good credit, and physical damage deductibles. Wyoming drivers will pay around $1,160 a year to buy insurance for a Ford Focus, but that price is an estimate that uses rate data for a 40-year-old married male who requires full coverage and $100 physical damage deductibles.
There is a high likelihood that you are not 40 and maybe not even a male, maybe you are single instead of married, and there is a good chance that you need different coverage limits than the exampe. Insurance is an individual thing, so the only way to find cheap insurance rates for your Ford is to get into the habit of shopping around regularly.
The trim level of your Ford will be a contributing factor to the annual cost of coverage, so the price you will be charged to insure a Focus S 4-Dr Sedan will be $192 less expensive the cost to insure the high end Focus SES 2-Dr Coupe version, as shown in the prices below.
Model | Comp | Collision | Liability | Medical | UM/UIM | Annual Premium | Monthly Premium |
Focus S 4-Dr Sedan | $244 | $512 | $370 | $22 | $110 | $1,258 | $105 |
Focus SE 4-Dr Sedan | $244 | $512 | $370 | $22 | $110 | $1,258 | $105 |
Focus SEL 4-Dr Sedan | $244 | $604 | $370 | $22 | $110 | $1,350 | $113 |
Focus SES 4-Dr Sedan | $244 | $604 | $370 | $22 | $110 | $1,350 | $113 |
Focus SE 2-Dr Coupe | $280 | $604 | $418 | $24 | $124 | $1,450 | $121 |
Focus SES 2-Dr Coupe | $280 | $604 | $418 | $24 | $124 | $1,450 | $121 |
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Table data assumes married male driver age 40, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $100 deductibles, and Wyoming minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include homeowner, claim-free, multi-vehicle, multi-policy, and safe-driver. Prices do not factor in specific zip code location which can impact coverage prices considerably.
Picking a high-quality insurance company is hard considering how many companies provide coverage in Wyoming. The company ratings shown next could help you select which providers to look at shopping prices with. These ratings are for the largest auto insurers in America, so smaller regional companies will not be included in the list.
Company | Value | Customer Service | Claims | Customer Satisfaction | A.M Best Rating | Overall Score |
USAA | 98 | 100 | 100 | 94% | A++ | 98.6 |
American Family | 98 | 89 | 100 | 86% | A | 95.4 |
State Farm | 88 | 93 | 96 | 90% | A++ | 92.4 |
The Hartford | 94 | 92 | 90 | 89% | A+ | 91.7 |
AAA Insurance | 88 | 89 | 95 | 91% | A | 91.2 |
GEICO | 84 | 93 | 93 | 89% | A++ | 90.3 |
The General | 89 | 91 | 89 | 88% | A- | 90 |
Progressive | 84 | 91 | 93 | 87% | A+ | 89.5 |
Allstate | 85 | 90 | 92 | 88% | A+ | 89.3 |
Nationwide | 87 | 88 | 84 | 90% | A+ | 88.7 |
Liberty Mutual | 84 | 87 | 93 | 88% | A | 88.5 |
21st Century | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88% | A | 86.7 |
Esurance | 85 | 80 | 95 | 87% | A+ | 85.9 |
Safeco | 85 | 85 | 85 | 86% | A | 85.8 |
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Data Source: Insure.com Best Car Insurance Companies
Finding cheap insurance for a Ford Focus in Wyoming is probably important to the majority of people, and one common way to pay less for insurance is to only buy liability insurance. The chart below shows the difference between insurance costs with and without physical damage coverage, medical payments, and uninsured/under-insured motorist coverage. The prices are based on a clean driving record, no claims, $100 deductibles, drivers are single, and no other discounts are factored in.
If we average the cost for ages 20 through 70, comprehensive and collision coverage on your policy costs $2,386 per year more than just buying liability only. That is a significant amount which raises the question when is the right time to remove full coverage. There is no definitive guideline to exclude full coverage on your policy, but there is a general guideline. If the yearly cost of comp and collision coverage is 10% or more of the settlement you would receive from your company, the it may be a good time to stop paying for full coverage.
For example, let’s assume your vehicle’s claim settlement value is $6,500 and you have $1,000 policy deductibles. If your vehicle is destroyed, the most your company would pay you is $5,500 after paying the physical damage deductible. If it’s costing in excess of $550 a year to have full coverage, the it may be a good time to stop paying for full coverage.
There are some situations where removing full coverage is not advised. If you have an outstanding loan on your vehicle, you have to maintain full coverage in order to keep the loan. Also, if you don’t have enough money to buy a different vehicle in the even your car is totaled, you should keep full coverage on your policy.
Lowering your rates is not difficult, and here are a few thrifty ideas that can help drivers locate lower-cost car insurance.
That last piece of advice is extraordinarily critical, as we stressed in the prior article. Rates in Wyoming change a lot, so don’t be tentative to change insurance companies if a cheaper rate is available. Many drivers prefer to stick with one company, but it’s not a great idea if it’s costing you a wad of cash every year. Spend a few minutes and shop around and find cheaper car insurance for a Ford Focus.