Who Has Cheap Insurance Quotes for a Toyota Corolla in Wisconsin?

Who Has Cheap Insurance Quotes for a Toyota Corolla in Wisconsin?

The chances that you’ll find affordable insurance for a Toyota Corolla in Wisconsin relies on an enormous amount of factors such as if you are single or married, if you are currently insured, and if you have a clean driving record. Drivers pay on average $670 a year to buy Toyota Corolla insurance, but that policy rate is a projection using rate data for a 30-year-old married female who purchased full coverage and $250 deductibles.

Most likely you are not 30 years old and maybe not even female, you might be single instead of married, or maybe your Corolla doesn’t need comprehensive and collision coverage. Auto insurance is not the same for everyone, so the best way to find the cheapest coverage for your Toyota is to get into the habit of shopping around regularly. Do a quick rate comparison now and you will receive prices from some of the most affordable companies that sell coverage in Wisconsin.

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Vehicle trim level will likely have an effect on the yearly cost, so the rate you pay to insure a Corolla LE trim level will be $22 cheaper than the cost to insure the more well-appointed Corolla XRS trim level, as demonstrated by the prices below.

Toyota Corolla Insurance Rates in Wisconsin
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Corolla LE $172 $346 $234 $14 $70 $836 $70
Corolla S $172 $346 $234 $14 $70 $836 $70
Corolla XLE $172 $346 $234 $14 $70 $836 $70
Corolla XRS $194 $346 $234 $14 $70 $858 $72
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Data based on married female driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $250 deductibles, and Wisconsin minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-vehicle, homeowner, claim-free, multi-policy, and safe-driver. Rates do not factor in specific location which can revise insurance rates substantially.

Trying to buy low-priced car insurance is tough enough, and figuring out which companies quote the best car insurance rates for a Toyota Corolla involves additional perseverance. Each insurer uses their own calculation for setting prices, so we’ll take a look at the overall cheapest car insurance companies in Wisconsin.

It’s important that you understand Wisconsin car insurance rates are calculated based on many things that will increase or decrease your annual premium. Simply improving your credit, having a teen driver, or getting caught speeding can produce rate changes resulting in some companies being much cheaper than others.

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Rankings for the cheapest car insurance companies in Wisconsin
Rank Company Cost Per Year
1 USAA $586
2 Partners Mutual $608
3 Erie $703
4 Rockford Mutual $746
5 Pekin Insurance $768
6 Nationwide $775
7 Western National $777
8 Rural Mutual Insurance $779
9 Integrity Mutual $786
10 Travelers $796
11 West Bend Mutual $917
12 State Farm $932
13 The Hartford $940
14 Auto Club Group $948
15 General Casualty $954
16 American Family $1,137
17 Auto-Owners $1,148
18 Progressive $1,164
19 Farmers $1,176
20 GEICO $1,190
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USAA may have some of the lowest car insurance rates in Wisconsin at around $586 each year. Partners Mutual, Erie, Rockford Mutual, and Pekin Insurance also are some of the more affordable Wisconsin insurance companies.

As the example above demonstrates, if you currently have a policy with Rockford Mutual and switched to Partners Mutual, you may see an annual savings of about $138. Wisconsin drivers with Pekin Insurance may save as much as $160 a year, and Nationwide insureds might cut rates by $167 a year.

To find cheap insurance for a Toyota Corolla in Wisconsin for your vehicle, click here to start your free quote or quote prices from the following companies.

Remember that these policy rates are averaged for all drivers and vehicles in Wisconsin and do not factor in a specific rating modification for a Toyota Corolla. So the insurer that fits your situation best may not even be featured in the company chart above. That points out the importance of why you need to get rate quotes using your own individual information.

Liability-only versus full coverage

Finding cheap insurance for a Toyota Corolla in Wisconsin should be important to the majority of people, and an easy way to buy cheap insurance is to not buy comprehensive and collision coverage. The diagram below shows the difference between premium costs with full phyical damage coverage and with liability coverage only. The prices are based on no claims, a clean driving record, $1,000 deductibles, single marital status, and no other discounts are factored in.

Averaged for all ages 20 through 70, full coverage on your policy costs an additional $1,230 per year more than just insuring for liability. Many drivers will wonder if physical damage coverage is worth the money. There is no clear-cut rule that works best for making the decision to drop physical damage coverage, but there is a general school of thought. If the annual cost of comprehensive and collision coverage is 10% or more of any settlement you would receive from your insurance company, then you might want to think about dropping full coverage.

For example, let’s say your vehicle’s settlement value is $11,500 and you have $1,000 deductibles. If your vehicle is damaged in an accident, the most you would receive is $10,500 after the policy deductible has been paid. If premium cost is more than $1,050 a year for full coverage, then it could be time to drop full coverage.

There are a few cases where eliminating full coverage is not a good idea. If you still have a lienholder on your title, you must maintain physical damage coverage as part of the loan conditions. Also, if you can’t afford to buy a different vehicle in the even your car is totaled, you should keep full coverage on your policy.

Discount Wisconsin insurance

Discounts on car insurance for a Toyota CorollaInsurance providers that provide cheap insurance for a Toyota Corolla in Wisconsin may also offer rate discounts that could reduce prices by 30% or more if you qualify for them. Popular car insurance companies and their possible discounts can be found below.

Auto Insurance Discounts for Popular Insurers
Discount Geico Progressive Allstate State Farm Farmers Nationwide Liberty Mutual
Multiple policies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multiple vehicles Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anti-theft Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anti-lock brakes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes
Air bags Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Running lights Yes No No Yes Yes No No
Newer vehicle No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Green vehicle No No Yes No Yes No Yes
No accidents Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Defensive driver Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Armed forces Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No
Affinity/occupation Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes
Full payment Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Automatic payment Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Brand loyalty No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Good student Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Student at college No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Homeowner No Yes No No Yes No No
Seat belt usage Yes No No No No No No
Get quote online No Yes No No No No No
Teen driver No Yes No No No No Yes
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The chart below illustrates the difference between car insurance costs with and without discounts applied. The information is based on a female driver, no claims or violations, Wisconsin state minimum liability limits, comp and collision included, and $250 deductibles. The first bar for each age group shows the average rate with no discounts. The second bar shows the rates with anti-theft, claim-free, multiple vehicle, homeowner, safe-driver, and vehicle safety discounts applied. In this example, the the average yearly reduction on car insurance for a Toyota Corolla is 15% or $175.

How to get cheap insurance for a Toyota Corolla in Wisconsin

It is possible to find better rates, and here are some money-saving ideas that can help Wisconsin drivers find cheap auto insurance.

  • Safe vehicles generally have lower rates
  • Improve your credit rating
  • Do not waste money insuring older vehicles for full coverage
  • Pay for small claims rather than turning them in to your insurance company
  • Buying home and auto insurance together can earn discounts
  • Increase your physical damage deductibles
  • Compare rate quotes often

The last item on the list is notably important, as was noted in the prior information. Prices charged by auto insurers in Wisconsin adjust frequently, so drivers shouldn’t be reluctant to buy from a new company if you find a cheaper price.

Being loyal to a particular company is commendable, but it’s not a great idea if that stubbornness costs you several hundred dollars every year. It only take a few minutes to compare rates and find cheaper auto insurance for a Toyota Corolla.

Is Geico, Allstate, Progressive, or State Farm cheaper?

When buying insurance for a Corolla in Wisconsin, the top insurers to get price quotes from are Geico, Allstate, Progressive, and State Farm. All offer liability and physical damage insurance, but each one has a slightly different set of options and discounts that may affect your buying decision. The data below compares and contrasts some of the different features that are available for policyholders.

Car Insurance Company Comparison
Geico Allstate Progressive State Farm
Customer Satisfaction 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Price Ranking 1st 4th 3rd 2nd
Claims Service 3rd 1st 4th 2nd
Number of Discounts 2nd 1st 4th 3rd
Percent of U.S. market 11.4% 10% 8.8% 18.3%
Percent of customers who recommend 87% 86% 88% 88%
New car replacement coverage No Yes No No
Emergency roadside service Yes Yes Yes Yes
Breakdown insurance Yes No Yes No
Uber and Lyft insurance Yes Yes Yes Yes
Usage-based rating No Yes Yes Yes
Accident forgiveness coverage Yes Yes Yes No
Offered in Wisconsin Yes Yes Yes Yes
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