Who Has the Cheapest Insurance Quotes for a Hyundai Sonata in New Hampshire?

Who Has the Cheapest Insurance Quotes for a Hyundai Sonata in New Hampshire?

Anytime the topic is auto insurance, the word cheap should not appear anywhere to describe car insurance rates. Sad but true, cheap car insurance for a Hyundai Sonata is not easy to find. Don’t get your dauber down, because we will tell you how you can get auto insurance that is cheaper than your current rate.

Buying the best cheap auto insurance for a Hyundai Sonata in New Hampshire depends on a complicated formula that considers factors such as the number of years you have been licensed, if you are a frequent claim filer, and your choice of deductibles. New Hampshire drivers on average will pay $530 a year for Sonata insurance, but that price is calculated using a 50-year-old married female who needs full physical damage coverage and $1,000 deductibles.

When projecting a rate like this, the problem is that you aren’t exactly 50 years old or even a female, maybe you are single instead of married, or maybe you’ve had an at-fault accident or two. Car insurance coverage is unique to each driver, so this is why the best way to find the most affordable coverage for your Hyundai is to start the habit of comparing rates at least once a year. Rate quotes are easy and you will be able to compare rates from some of the best insurers that sell coverage in New Hampshire.

Find Cheaper Hyundai Sonata Insurance

The trim level of your vehicle tends to impact the cost of coverage, so the price you will pay to insure a Sonata GLS 4-Dr Sedan will be $38 less than the price to insure the high end Sonata Limited 4-Dr Sedan trim level, as shown in the table below.

Hyundai Sonata Insurance Rates in New Hampshire
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Sonata GLS 4-Dr Sedan $88 $162 $252 $14 $76 $592 $49
Sonata GLS 4-Dr Sedan $88 $162 $252 $14 $76 $592 $49
Sonata GLS 4-Dr Sedan $88 $162 $252 $14 $76 $592 $49
Sonata SE 4-Dr Sedan $88 $190 $252 $14 $76 $620 $52
Sonata SE 4-Dr Sedan $88 $190 $252 $14 $76 $620 $52
Sonata Limited 4-Dr Sedan $98 $190 $252 $14 $76 $630 $53
Sonata Limited 4-Dr Sedan $98 $190 $252 $14 $76 $630 $53
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Data variables include married female driver age 50, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $1000 deductibles, and New Hampshire minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include homeowner, safe-driver, multi-vehicle, multi-policy, and claim-free. Estimates do not factor in New Hampshire location which can alter premium rates considerably.

Figuring out which insurers offer the cheapest auto insurance rates for a Hyundai Sonata involves a bit more effort in order to find a policy that fits your budget. Every auto insurer has their own guidelines for determining prices, so let’s take a look at the auto insurance companies with the most affordable rates in New Hampshire.

Find Cheaper Auto Insurance for Your Sonata

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Cheapest New Hampshire auto insurance companies
Rank Company Cost Per Year
1 Travelers $695
2 Concord $705
3 Patriot $820
4 USAA $820
5 Vermont Mutual $864
6 Amica $916
7 Progressive $1,043
8 Encompass $1,045
9 MMG Insurance $1,080
10 State Farm $1,111
11 MetLife $1,241
12 Liberty Mutual $1,357
13 GEICO $1,386
14 The Hartford $1,749
15 Safeco $1,757
16 Allstate $1,849
17 Hanover $2,084
18 Commerce Group $2,513
19 Nationwide $5,890
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Travelers offers some of the lowest car insurance rates in New Hampshire at around $695 annually. Concord, Patriot, USAA, and Vermont Mutual would also be considered some of the cheapest New Hampshire insurance companies.

As depicted above, if you are insured with Vermont Mutual and switched to Concord, you could see yearly savings of upwards of $159. New Hampshire drivers with Amica might save as much as $211 a year, and Progressive policyholders might cut rates by $338 a year.

To discover how much you can save, click here to get a free quote or click through to the companies below.

Be aware that those rates are averages across all drivers and vehicles in New Hampshire and are not factoring in a specific rate factor for a Hyundai Sonata. So the car insurance company that can offer you the best price may not even be shown in the chart above. That illustrates why you need to get rate quotes from many companies using your own driver data and vehicle information.

Liability-only versus full coverage

Finding the cheapest insurance for a Hyundai Sonata in New Hampshire is probably important to the majority of people, and one of the easiest ways to save on the cost of insurance is to buy only liability coverage. The illustration below illustrates the difference between auto insurance rates with and without physical damage coverage. The rate quotes are based on no violations or accidents, $1,000 deductibles, drivers are not married, and no policy discounts are applied.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawFclqcibChart);function drawFclqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘Full Coverage with $1,000 Deductibles’, ‘Liability Only’],[‘Age 20’, 2155,957],[‘Age 30’, 1141,529],[‘Age 40’, 1105,491],[‘Age 50’, 1015,459],[‘Age 60’, 985,451],[‘Age 70’, 1231,601]]);var options = {title: ‘Comparison of Full Coverage and Liability Only’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 500,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’},colors: [‘#6791b9′,’#98bee2’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Insurance Cost for a Hyundai Sonata in New Hampshire’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibfcl’));chart.draw(data, options);}

On average, full coverage costs an extra $1,272 per year more than just insuring for liability. That is a big expense that brings up the question if physical damage coverage is worth the money. There is no set guideline of when to drop physical damage coverage, but there is a broad guideline. If the annual cost of having full coverage is 10% or more of the vehicle’s replacement cost less your deductible, then it’s probably a good time to buy liability coverage only.

For example, let’s say your vehicle’s book value is $8,500 and you have $1,000 full coverage deductibles. If your vehicle is totaled in an accident, the most your company will settle for is $7,500 after paying your deductible. If you are currently paying more than $750 annually for physical damage coverage, then you might want to consider buying only liability coverage.

Impact of careless driving on New Hampshire auto insurance rates

In a perfect world, the best way to obtain low auto insurance premiums in New Hampshire for a Sonata is to drive attentively and avoid getting tickets or having accidents. The illustration below illustrates how violations and at-fault collisions can affect auto insurance costs for each age group. The information is based on a married female driver, full physical damage coverage, $100 deductibles, and no discounts are factored in.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawVioqcibChart);function drawVioqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘No Violations or Accidents’, ‘Two Speeding Tickets and No Accidents’, ‘Two Speeding Tickets and Two Accidents’],[‘Age 20’, 2005,2601,4745],[‘Age 30’, 1403,1999,4143],[‘Age 40’, 1389,1989,4131],[‘Age 50’, 1219,1815,3957],[‘Age 60’, 1161,1759,3899],[‘Age 70’, 1257,1857,3997]]);var options = {title: ‘Effect of Tickets and Accidents on New Hampshire Hyundai Sonata Insurance’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’, fontSize: 17, bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 600,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’,textStyle: {fontSize: 12}},colors:[‘#b2da64′,’#eed355′,’#e39e71’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Insurance Cost for a Hyundai Sonata in New Hampshire’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);formatter.format(data,3);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibvio’));chart.draw(data, options);}

In the example above, the average cost of an auto insurance policy in New Hampshire per year with no accidents and a clean driving record is $1,406. Get written up for two speeding tickets and the average cost rises to $2,003, an increase of $598 each year. Now include two accidents along with the two speeding tickets and the annual cost of auto insurance for a Hyundai Sonata increases to an average of $4,145. That’s an increase of $2,740, or $228 per month, just for not driving attentively!

Find the cheapest insurance for a Hyundai Sonata in New Hampshire

The list below shows many thrifty suggestions that can help drivers buy the cheapest coverage.

  • Pay for small claims rather than turning them in to your insurance company
  • Keep your driving record clean
  • Raise comprehensive and collision coverage deductibles
  • Avoid accidents and claims
  • Full coverage is expensive so only insure older vehicles for liability only
  • Compare price quotes at least once a year

The last idea is particularly critical, as was affirmed in the article above. Car insurance rates can change considerably based on profitability, so don’t be unwilling to switch companies if you find a better deal.

Staying with the same company for years is fine, but we do not recommend it if that loyalty ends up costing money that could be used for better things. Now is a great time to compare prices and find cheaper car insurance for a Hyundai Sonata.