Cheapest Insurance Quotes for a Hyundai Sonata in West Virginia

Cheapest Insurance Quotes for a Hyundai Sonata in West Virginia

Your chances of finding the best cheap insurance for a Hyundai Sonata in West Virginia relies on a complicated rating formula that uses factors such as when you were born, if you have ever had a gap in coverage, and whether or not you are a good driver. West Virginia drivers pay an average rate of $1,410 a year for Sonata insurance, but that policy rate is an approximation based on rates for a 40-year-old single female who purchased full coverage including both comprehensive and collision and $250 physical damage deductibles.

The issue with using an average estimated rate is the likelihood you are not 40 and possibly not even female, married instead of single, and maybe you want different deductibles. Just a very minor change in policy rating data can cause large differences in the cost of a policy.

Every driver has different characteristics, so the only real way to find the most affordable coverage for your Hyundai is to compare as many rates as possible.

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The trim level of your Hyundai has an effect on the cost of insurance, so the rate you pay to insure a Sonata GLS 4-Dr Sedan will cost $132 less than the cost to insure the higher-priced Sonata Limited 4-Dr Sedan model, as shown in the prices below.

Hyundai Sonata Insurance Rates in West Virginia
Model Comp Collision Liability Medical UM/UIM Annual Premium Monthly Premium
Sonata GLS 4-Dr Sedan $272 $540 $540 $32 $162 $1,546 $129
Sonata GLS 4-Dr Sedan $272 $540 $540 $32 $162 $1,546 $129
Sonata GLS 4-Dr Sedan $272 $540 $540 $32 $162 $1,546 $129
Sonata SE 4-Dr Sedan $272 $636 $540 $32 $162 $1,642 $137
Sonata SE 4-Dr Sedan $272 $636 $540 $32 $162 $1,642 $137
Sonata Limited 4-Dr Sedan $308 $636 $540 $32 $162 $1,678 $140
Sonata Limited 4-Dr Sedan $308 $636 $540 $32 $162 $1,678 $140
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Data assumes single female driver age 40, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $250 deductibles, and West Virginia minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-vehicle, multi-policy, claim-free, safe-driver, and homeowner. Rate information does not factor in specific location which can lower or raise auto insurance rates greatly.

Finding decent, cost effective insurance is easier said than done, and figuring out which company quotes the best car insurance rates for a Hyundai Sonata will involve more quotes for comparison.

Each company has their own guidelines for setting rates, so let’s take a look at the car insurance companies with the most affordable rates in West Virginia.

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West Virginia car insurance ranked by cost per year
Rank Company Cost Per Year
1 Erie $931
2 The Hartford $1,049
3 State Auto $1,266
4 USAA $1,274
5 Westfield $1,275
6 Progressive $1,524
7 State Farm $1,538
8 Encompass $1,572
9 Nationwide $1,598
10 GEICO $1,676
11 Motorists Mutual $1,750
12 Safeco $1,767
13 California Casualty $1,806
14 Allstate $2,299
15 Liberty Mutual $3,211
16 Sentry $3,845
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Erie has some of the cheapest car insurance rates in West Virginia at around $931 per year. The Hartford, State Auto, USAA, and Westfield also are some of the cheaper West Virginia car insurance companies.

As illustrated above, if you have coverage with USAA and switched to Erie, you could see an annual premium reduction of roughly $343. Insureds with Westfield may save as much as $344 a year, and Progressive insureds might see rate reductions of $593 a year.

Bear in mind that those rates are averaged for all types of drivers and the different vehicles they drive and are not factoring in a specific rate value for a Hyundai Sonata. So the insurer that fits your age and vehicle best may not even be shown in the list above. That points out the importance of why you need to compare prices as often as possible using your own personalized driver profile and vehicle information.

The illustration below shows how choosing a deductible can raise or lower annual premium costs when searching for cheap insurance for a Hyundai Sonata. The data assumes a married female driver, full coverage, and no discounts are factored in.

A 30-year-old driver could save $348 a year by switching the physical damage coverage from a $100 deductible to a $500 deductible, or save $526 by choosing a $1,000 deductible. Even younger insureds, such as the 20-year-old example, could save up to $744 or even more by using higher deductibles when buying full coverage.

When using a larger deductible, it will be required to have enough funds in savings to satisfy the extra out-of-pocket expense, which is the one shortcoming of high deductibles.

Get discount West Virginia auto insurance rates

Discounts on car insurance for a Hyundai SonataInsurers that provide the cheapest insurance for a Hyundai Sonata in West Virginia may have price discounts that could lower prices by 40% or more if you are eligible to receive them. A few popular companies and a summarized list of policyholder discounts are detailed below.

Auto Insurance Discounts by Company
Discount Allstate State Farm Geico Progressive Liberty Mutual
Bundle discount Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multi-vehicle No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anti-theft Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anti-lock brakes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Passive restraint Yes Yes Yes No Yes
New vehicle Yes Yes No No No
Safe driver Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Defensive driver training Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Low mileage Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Armed forces No Yes Yes Yes No
Occupational No No Yes No Yes
Paid in full Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Paperless billing Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Brand loyalty No Yes No Yes No
Sign early Yes No No No No
Good grades Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Distant student Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Own home No No No Yes No
Use seat belts No No Yes No No
Online quote No No No Yes No
Teenage driver No No No Yes Yes
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The chart below shows the difference between car insurance rates with and without discounts applied. The prices are based on a female driver, no violations or accidents, West Virginia state minimum liability limits, full coverage, and $250 deductibles.

The first bar for each age group shows premium with no discounts. The second bar shows the rates with anti-theft, multiple vehicle, multiple policy, vehicle safety, accident-free, and passive restraint discounts applied. With discounts applied, the the average amount saved on car insurance for a Hyundai Sonata is % or $.

Which major car insurance company is best?

If you’re looking for the best car insurance, the companies that insure more vehicles than anyone else are Progressive, Geico, Allstate, and State Farm. If you add them together, they insure 48.5% of all policies written. They all offer your standard coverages, but each one has a slightly different mix of options and features that shoppers can select from. The following table ranks price and claims rank as well as some different options offered by each one.

Car Insurance Companies Compared
Progressive Geico Allstate State Farm
Handling of Claims 4th 3rd 1st 2nd
Policy Discounts 4th 2nd 1st 3rd
Policy Cost 3rd 1st 4th 2nd
Customer Satisfaction 3rd 1st 2nd 4th
Rating based on usage Yes No Yes Yes
Rideshare coverage Yes Yes Yes Yes
Roadside service Yes Yes Yes Yes
Accident forgiveness coverage Yes Yes Yes No
Mechanical breakdown insurance Yes Yes No No
New car replacement insurance No No Yes No
Available in West Virginia Yes Yes Yes Yes
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