Whenever people write about auto insurance, the word “cheap” should never be used anywhere in the article to describe car insurance rates. Regardless, cheap car insurance for a Ford Edge can be difficult to find. Don’t let that get you down, though, because we will teach you how you can still find and buy coverage that is cheaper than your current rate.
The chances of buying the best cheap car insurance for a Ford Edge in Nebraska depends upon many rating criteria like whether you are married or single, if you have a tendancy to file claims, and if you have a clean driving record. Nebraska drivers on average pay approximately $1,150 every 12 months to insure their Edge, but that amount is a valuation based on cost data for a 30-year-old single female driver that included full coverage and $250 physical damage deductibles.
Chances are good that you may not be 30 years old (or even female), you might be married instead of single, or maybe you prefer to not insure for full coverage. Just a very minor change in rating criteria or coverage limits can lead to a significant difference in how much insurance for a Ford Edge costs.
Every driver has a different risk profile, so the most reliable method for finding the cheapest rates for your Ford is to compare rates from as many companies as possible. Quotes are always free and you will get price quotes from top-rated car insurance companies that sell coverage in Nebraska.
Find Cheaper Ford Edge Insurance
The trim level of your vehicle tends to impact price, so the price you pay to insure a Edge SE 2WD will be $206 less expensive the price to insure the higher-priced Edge Sport AWD version, as demonstrated by the prices below.
Model | Comp | Collision | Liability | Medical | UM/UIM | Annual Premium | Monthly Premium |
Edge SE 2WD | $224 | $394 | $404 | $24 | $122 | $1,168 | $97 |
Edge SE AWD | $224 | $480 | $404 | $24 | $122 | $1,254 | $105 |
Edge SEL 2WD | $224 | $480 | $404 | $24 | $122 | $1,254 | $105 |
Edge Limited 2WD | $224 | $480 | $404 | $24 | $122 | $1,254 | $105 |
Edge SEL AWD | $224 | $480 | $404 | $24 | $122 | $1,254 | $105 |
Edge Limited AWD | $258 | $566 | $404 | $24 | $122 | $1,374 | $115 |
Edge Sport 2WD | $258 | $566 | $404 | $24 | $122 | $1,374 | $115 |
Edge Sport AWD | $258 | $566 | $404 | $24 | $122 | $1,374 | $115 |
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Premium data assumes single female driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $250 deductibles, and Nebraska minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-vehicle, claim-free, safe-driver, multi-policy, and homeowner. Premium costs do not factor in specific Nebraska garaging location which can revise prices substantially.
Picking a high-quality car insurance company can be a challenge considering how many companies there are in Nebraska. The information shown below may help you pick which car insurance companies you want to consider when comparing auto insurance rates for a Ford Edge.
The ratings below are for companies who write in the majority of U.S. states, so smaller companies that only insure vehicles in Nebraska are not taken into consideration for the list. To get rate quotes from these and other top-rated companies, simply click here.
Car insurance companies that provide the best cheap insurance for a Ford Edge in Nebraska may have special discounts that could lower prices by as much as 40% or more if you meet eligibility requirements. A list of companies and a partial list of their discounts are shown below.
The information below illustrates the difference between insurance rates with and without policy discounts. The premiums assume a male driver, no accidents, no driving violations, Nebraska state minimum liability limits, comp and collision included, and $1,000 deductibles. The first bar for each age group shows the average annual price with no discounts. The lower bar shows the rates with anti-theft, passive restraint, defensive driving course, accident-free, multiple vehicle, and marriage discounts applied. When taking advantage of discounts, the the average yearly reduction on auto insurance for a Ford Edge is 28% or $387.
In a perfect world, the ideal way to obtain good auto insurance rates in Nebraska for an Edge is to pay attention while driving and avoid at-fault accidents and violations. The diagram below illustrates how speeding tickets and accidents raise auto insurance costs for different age groups. The premiums assume a single female driver, comp and collision included, $500 deductibles, and no additional discounts are factored in.
In the example above, the average cost of car insurance in Nebraska per year with no violations or accidents is $1,472. Receive one speeding ticket and the average cost rises to $1,670, an increase of $198 each year. Next add two accidents along with the one speeding ticket and the yearly cost of auto insurance for a Ford Edge jumps again to an average of $3,496. That’s an increase of $2,024, or $169 per month, just for not driving attentively!
When it comes to insurance for an Edge, four companies you’ll want quotes from are Progressive, Geico, State Farm, and Allstate. When combined, they make up about 50% of the entire U.S. car insurance market. Each one has a little bit different set of discounts and options that may affect your buying decision. The following table breaks down some of the ratings and options that may be available in Nebraska.
Progressive | Geico | State Farm | Allstate | |
Client Satisfaction | 3rd | 1st | 4th | 2nd |
Claims Handling | 4th | 3rd | 2nd | 1st |
Price Rank | 3rd | 1st | 2nd | 4th |
Number of Discounts | 4th | 2nd | 3rd | 1st |
Amount of market share | 8.8% | 11.4% | 18.3% | 10% |
A.M. Best rating | A+ | A++ | A++ | A+ |
S&P financial rating | AA | AA+ | AA | AA- |
Coverage for ridesharing | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
New car replacement insurance | No | No | No | Yes |
Mechnical breakdown | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Rate for vehicle usage | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Accident forgiveness coverage | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Emergency roadside assistance | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Where to buy | Online or from independent agents | From a Geico agent or online | State Farm-only agents | Allstate exclusive agents |
Number of agents | 30,000+ | 150+ | 18,000+ | 11,000+ |
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