North Dakota Auto Insurance Information
Compare your car insurance rates with other top car insurance companies!
If your car insurance rates have been rising with your current company, it might be time to take a look around. There are many companies offering car insurance in North Dakota, so take a few minutes and compare the rates of other companies in your area. Click to quote
North Dakota car insurance companies
The list below provides many of the top online North Dakota car insurance companies. You can get fast comparison quotes to see if you're currently paying a low rate on car insurance. Simply select any company and complete the quick form. You could save $400 or more in as little as 5 minutes!
Contact the North Dakota Insurance Department
By Mail | North Dakota Insurance Department State Capitol, Fifth Floor 600 East Boulevard Avenue Bismarck, ND 58505-0320 |
By Phone | 701-328-2440 or 800-247-0560 |
Website | North Dakota Insurance Department |
Find an Insurance Agent in North Dakota
Find North Dakota Insurance Agents in your area. Search independent and captive insurance agents and find a professional agent near you.
Find Affordable Car Insurance in North Dakota
Are your North Dakota insurance rates getting out of control? Use our rate comparison tool to find affordable car insurance in North Dakota! Compare rates in your city or town from top insurance companies.