What is an SR-22 filing and why do I need one?

What is an SR-22 filing? I was convicted of DUI and my state DMV is requiring an SR-22 filing.

An SR-22 is simply proof of financial responsibility. Since you were convicted of DUI, the state department of motor vehicles simply wants a guarantee from your car insurance company that you are maintaining at least the state mandated minimum liability limits on your vehicle. Prior to your DUI conviction, the state requires you to maintain the minimum liability insurance limits, but they do not have any way of knowing if your coverage has lapsed or expired. With an SR-22, your car insurance company will notify your state's DMV if your coverage lapses or expires. The state can then revoke your driving privleges, as they see one DUI conviction as an enhanced risk of subsequent DUI violations. This is essentially protection for other drivers, as your liability coverage provides bodily injury and property damage coverage for injuries and damage you are liable for.

Securing car insurance after a DUI can be difficult. Once your car insurance company finds out about your conviction, there is a good chance that you will either see a substantial increase in your car insurance rates, or you may even receive a non-renewal notice from your company. It is within their rights to choose to not insure you, and you must then secure coverage from another company, which can be nearly impossible without paying very high insurance rates.

There are several companies who specialize in high-risk drivers and will insure drivers after a DUI conviction. The easiest way to find car insurance after a DUI is to enter your zip code in the box below and allow agents in your area to provide your with comparison quotes from the those high-risk companies. It only takes a few minutes, and you'll receive multiple quotes from just one quote form!

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